Happy Easter


Big Love! (Atheist mystic)
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... to all who celebrate it!
And I my parents.

Yet, I still wish those who celebrate it a happy Easter!
In tribute to those whose virtue in sourced in the God of Xtians and a warning to those who ignore or despise virtue - from the Wisdom of Solomon:

Chapter 5

1 Then the just man will take his stand with poised
confidence to outface his oppressors
and those who made light of his sufferings.
2 At the sight of him they will be shaken with fearful terror,
and will be astounded at the unexpectedness of his
3 Remorseful, each will say to the other
groaning and gasping for breath:
4 "This was the man whom we once held in derision
and for a byword of reproach, fools that we were;
his life we accounted madness, and his end without honor.
5 How was he reckoned among the sons of God,
and how is his portion among the holy ones?
6 We strayed, it seems, from the path of truth,
and were not illumined by the light of justice,
and the sun never rose for us.
7 We were entangled in the prickles of lawlessness and
destruction, and made our way through trackless wastes,
but the Lord's highway we ignored.
8 What good was our arrogance,
and what did wealth and false posturing bring us?"...

14 For the hope of the godless is like down flying on the wind,
and like thin frost swept before a howling gale,
and like smoke which the wind scattered,
and like the memory of a guest for a day it passed through.
15 But the just live forever; their reward is in the Lord,
and the Most High has them in his care.
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