... apparently, ever and again there are people, politicians even, who mouth some weird ridiculous idea that "Islam is not a religion".
Religious Studies podcast episode about this:
Contains the argument that this idea should be acknowledged for the dangerous potential it has, not dismissed as the krazies of individual bigots (sorry for using that word, the podcast actually has a good point about not using it).
The "Islam is ideology not religion " has been an ongoing theme among the Evangelical Christians and Islamophobia movement. They have even reached up to the Trump administration, when former member of the team, Flynn, spoke for Act For America hate association and called Islam "cancer " of the world ideology rather than religion. We must understand that Islamophobia is a multi million dollars industry and all those advocating such hate are on the same payroll. Remember when Bush announced after 9/11 that a battle for minds and hearts is about to begin? That's what this is: Muslims are to be killed on mass, robbed, converted, hated, alienated, called a threat. The only way to finally succeed is to convince the world that Islam is an ideology. If they accomplish such, then they will get a green light to outlaw it world wide. And being outlawed, any person practising Islam will be an enemy of the world.
Islam as a religion doesn't seek to rule a state. Rather, it rules Muslim people's lives where it establishes rules about family life, social norms and expectations, etc. If a majority Muslim nation wants to be ruled by its laws, then that's their rights. Also, Islam gives rights to non Muslims should Islam be a state religion. Now, Islam doesn't demand to be a state religion. It can coexist with others as we have seen around the world.
But what enemies of Arabs, and hence Muslims, hate most is that Muslims are required to defend themselves, their home, their religion, their people. And it's a common sense rule: you attack me, I will fight you back.
Also, majority Muslims remain to be the only religious group following the Old World code of ethics and moral principles. The New World Order is about relaxed social rules, accepting what used to be rejected (homosexuality, bisexuality, gnostici religious concepts, abandonment of rigid religious practices, lose family and social rules, etc.).
Christianity and Judaism have long been knocked down on their knees. Other religious communities already have "acceptable " social norms, so the last front is the battle against Islam.
But, this is not Islam's first or last battle for its existence. God says in the Qur'an that His Light (Islam) will never be extinguished. And so it shall be.