1492? Vikings? Egyptians? Nope?

I’m not a scientist and would like to see more data still. But as a casual observer, I think that’s pretty cool.
Here comes a Cup of Contrary:
I do find the idea that land was populated and discovered at one single point to be a bit simple.
The very notion is probably a leftover from the colonial era where the wast actually saw itself as some sort of cradle of civilization, if not mankind.
There could also be a linguistic link - an aspect Wil's article mentions in passing. Wikipedia has the following info:

"In Peru, the Quechua name for a type of sweet potato is kumar, strikingly similar to the Polynesian name kumara and its regional Oceanic cognates (kumala, umala, 'uala, etc.), which has led some scholars to suspect an instance of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact."​
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