Catholics Will Not Tolerate It Any Longer


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German priest causes church walkout as he preaches for predator priest forgiveness

The cleric said he wanted to tell parishioners about the biblically important meaning of forgiveness. He regretted that predator priests were labelled "criminals" but many of his congregation walked out of the church.

Retired priest Ulrich Zurkuhlen caused consternation in the city of Münster, northwest Germany, when he dedicated his sermon to the concept of forgiving priests who had sexually abused minors ...

The controversial sermon took place in the Holy Spirit Church of Münster. The internet portal (Church and Life) reported that parishioners were incensed, with some 70 members of the congregation walking out in protest.

Several parishioners reportedly interrupted the 79-year-old Zurkuhlen and tried to argue with him. A worshipper told Kirche-und-Leben that the situation became chaotic and the priest was not able to finish the sermon ...
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Forgiveness is a necessary Christian quality, but he does not even want child abuse to be labelled as 'criminal' and if he wants to preach about forgiveness why choose the subject of child abuse by Catholic priests?

If clergy commit child abuse they have to be rooted out and prosecuted. They have brought the Catholic church to its knees. Justice has to be seen to be done. It's not too late to save the integrity of the Catholic church from these sick perverts.

Why choose for a sermon the subject of child abuse by Catholic priests? What's wrong with him? There is no tolerance amongst Catholics.
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Good development, thanks for sharing! Hope they get a better priest, or even that he sees and understands and changes his views.
They can be forgiven by their religion as they sit in the jail cells paying for their crime thru earthly judgement for breaking our laws.

The part that gets me most is when the hierarchy discovers the malfeasance they are shuffled around to other parishes and protected from punishment, those that do that can be forgiven in jail cells as well.