Desperately need help


Curious Seeker
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I'm in a trouble spot and do not have access to the help We need.
My siblings, mother, and nephew left for Florida and left me with my father.
We don't connect or really have a relationship now.
He is more concerned about a stranger well being than ours

It's like they make me out to be a nuisance and burden when I am not.
I don't have the resources to move out on my own because they use them and left.
They meaning my siblings is making it seem that I'm not a functioning adult when it's a lot to it.

They want me to choose sides and I refuse to; I want to be neutral
Everyone is taking it out on me.
How old are you? Male, female, or gender fluid?
I doubt anyone here can help you with your situation. But you're asking for help on an interfaith board, do you feel that faith can see you through this?

Here's the mantra:


All things must perform their own "Duty".
All things must perform their own "Dharma".

Now we living entities all perform 4 categories of activities:

Some times the rich educated person has all finest life
has to offer...but it still really boils down to the 4 items above.
And when the rich neglect any of the 4 groups of acts they
are gambling with their sure-thing.

One does one's own dharma and the 4 activities keeps keeps
one satisfied.

Self-realisation means realising that the conscious living soul that
animates the present body is the real self.

The real self is not what comes of the temporal ego.

It is written: the body is made of 8 separate material elements,

The Ego is called the false-ego ---"ahankara" in Sanskrit.

The above 8 items are made of gross material elements.

Above these 8 items is the soul ---"atma" in Sanskrit.

The self is the atma.

When one can stop his "monkey-mind" wandering and simply be...
simply be aware... being aware with no "monkey-mind" wandering...
this is the chance for one's being to sense its self.

Sensing your self within is not the job of the mind or intelligence,
Sensing your self within is a job that only pays with a mellow of
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I'm 45 male
You seem to be in a difficult situation because you are dependent on your parents and siblings for support? You obviously do not have a spouse or children of your own? Are you in work? Do you have any income of your own?
They want me to choose sides and I refuse to; I want to be neutral
Who is asking you to choose sides and why?

In a recent thread there is a discussion about spending time as a guest in a monastery. Would that be possible for you?
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In that simple affirmative lies your answer.

Reminds me of the story of John and Yoko:

Lennon was won over by a tiny painting on the ceiling — visible only at the top of the ladder with a magnifying glass. It was the word “yes.”

You seem to be in a difficult situation because you are dependent on your parents and siblings for support? You obviously do not have a spouse or children of your own? Are you in work? Do you have any income of your own?

Who is asking you to choose sides and why?

In a recent thread there is a discussion about spending time as a guest in a monastery. Would that be possible for you?

My siblings and family
My siblings and family
So your mother and your siblings have moved to Florida, leaving you living with your father. Does your father support you, or do you have any income of your own? Do you get any government aid? What help do you actually need? Do you need somewhere to live, or do you need a job?
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I mean, in a way perhaps you need to decide exactly what it is that you do need?

Perhaps if you can refine the question to what it is you really need, the answer will become clear?
Best regards
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Once you're clear on the direction don't try to work out the details, do the best you can -- operate from the best and highest part of yourself and let God do the details. Not for anyone else. Know the direction and destination, not the exact steps. It's impossible to plan exactly how. God knows.
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