Practices magic


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I work with someone who practices magic. We've discussed and shared matters of faith and religion. Is magic good or bad? Good or bad for whom. Are there any redeeming benefits in practicing magic?

I don't know magic so who am I to say or judge him? For me personally, magic I understand magic as spells and procedures to manipulate people, places and things through sacrificial objects.

Love for a fellow human makes me want to help, so I wait opportunities without dictating how. Another thought is where you go there you are.
There is a wide range of practices that all call themselves magic, so what you get told depends a lot on who you talk to. It's almost like saying, someone practices religion. But are they Roman Catholic or a Hindu devotee of Krishna or do they practice Thai folk religion?

When you say you want to help (without dictating), do you mean that you disapprove of magical practices?
I work with someone who practices magic. We've discussed and shared matters of faith and religion. Is magic good or bad? Good or bad for whom. Are there any redeeming benefits in practicing magic?

I don't know magic so who am I to say or judge him? For me personally, magic I understand magic as spells and procedures to manipulate people, places and things through sacrificial objects.

Love for a fellow human makes me want to help, so I wait opportunities without dictating how. Another thought is where you go there you are.
What is the need for it? For magic? The purpose? Why?

EDIT: Say I turn John into a toad? The energy must come from somewhere? It must be restored?
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The use of sacrificial 'objects' will not deflect the need to personally account, and it will make it worse. The truth is that a spititual key is turned eventually only by personal 'virtue'. It is YOU who are the key. There has to be an answer. There will be. Imo

Just tell God what you want, and God will show you everything. Imo
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Magic/sacrifices to acquire money and manipulate circumstances in his favor. I have trouble with this because I don’t believe it and it has a selfish mindset to it. I don’t know if magic is real or not but it seem much effort in casting a spell to create change in someone's personal favor. I care about the guy and I think he is on a path of destruction. There are different methods and types of magic therefore my concern is limited to one person. So I cannot justify feelings for all magic due to lack of information.
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Is the selfishness problematic, or the means he uses?

If he prayed for money and favorable circumstances, would it still trouble you?
In theory I want to dispel preconceived passed around notions that magic is evil and not of God. The problem exist within myself. I prefer seeing someone as they are rather than theological notions that were gathered as a means of persecution
I don't know what I want, Does anybody know of a good spell for awareness?
I work with someone who practices magic. We've discussed and shared matters of faith and religion. Is magic good or bad? Good or bad for whom. Are there any redeeming benefits in practicing magic?
Biblically speaking, sorcery, necromancy, familiar spirits and the like are best avoided. The potential for spiritual harm far outweighs any possible earthly benefit.

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
Matthew 16:26
Yeah, I feel the same way. What about the guy I mentioned, Should I reach out on the basis of " Biblically speaking" or mind my own business because it's his life and right to believe and practice as he sees fit. I don't oppose him or his beliefs, but I am concerned about the choices he makes. I should pray.
Difficult to say really. Intervening could easily backfire and make them more determined than ever. I think I'd be inclined to adopt a wait and see attitude. That is, should a situation present itself whereby a seed might be sown, act accordingly, but otherwise hold back.
The practice of majik.

Many things happen once you turn your thoughts towards majik and gaining knowledge that you yourself did not gain on your own through normal means. In the spiritual world there are many types of minds, but the ones that come answering, I call shadows. Since shadows only affect allowed minds your friend is most likely part of an allowed mind the shadow patrols. The problem is when your friend is practicing majik he is finding time inside of himself making himself seen on other side he is now something there finding time. The shadow will pull his time into itself and then keep him trying to figure himself out or majik what ever it is that made him find time there in the first place, the shadows feed off this time. The shadows can't find time inside of themselves, who they really are, they are trapped inside of the matrix forcing them to become something all the time using our time. The cost of your friend practicing majik not knowing everything about himself is his time when he is not becoming something here anymore. Also the shadow draws from his time, it can only do this until he has no time remaining so once that has happened your friend will not be doing majik anymore, this is also why majik is so spotty. The way they say this is "I will find your time until you can not find time here anymore".

The benefits of majik are mostly limited it is like a drug and the shadow is the dealer he will bring you in with some of the good stuff but the more you come back the more he cuts it keeping you coming back for more. Shadows are also referred to as jinn and others believed them to be gods they are whatever you believe, there power is gained by the number of people that believe in them so majik can be powerful if the shadow is connected to many others practicing the same things as you.

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Shadows are also referred to as jinn and others believed them to be gods they are whatever you believe, there power is gained by the number of people that believe in them so majik can be powerful if the shadow is connected to many others practicing the same things as you.
So what is the difference between what you describe, and "real" religions, in your opinion?

How would you characterize religions like Santeria?
What about the guy I mentioned, Should I reach out on the basis of " Biblically speaking" or mind my own business because it's his life and right to believe and practice as he sees fit.
It is always better to discuss things openly. Weird things grow in the cramped dark spaces which we don't dare to visit in our conversations. Open the windows, let in fresh air and light. Figuratively speaking.

If I may make a few suggestions, based on my own experience from both sides of this conversation (I was a fervent Christian in my adolescence, and I also have experience with occult teachings and groups):

1. Please examine your own motivation for wanting to warn this person. What is at stake for you? Is there something you want to "make up for", and your friend's actions somehow remind you of this? Often, the things we find disturbing in the outside world mirror things we don't like in ourselves. By gaining clarity about your own "dog in this fight", you will also better understand your compassion for your friend. Jesus taught this in the parable about the speck of dust in the friends eye, in "cast the first stone", and some other teachings.

2. When you are having the conversation, listen to your friend, too. Let him describe what he does and why. Often, people who use magic to address issues in their lives, are in need of a good friend to talk to and bounce ideas off of. You mentioned his financial situation, so his money magic points to a real need in his life. As a Christian, while you would pray for God to help you, you also realize that you yourself should become active to find a better job or get a loan or ask friends or family for help - show God you really mean it. The same goes for magic: Your friend's intention to get money, expressed in a magical act rather than prayer, will have a much greater chance of bearing fruit if he follows up with some actions in the "real world", and that is where you can really help him, by supporting his efforts, doing some brain-storming, planning ahead, making a budget, whatever.

I hope you and your friend have a good conversation, which will give both of you food for thought.
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So what is the difference between what you describe, and "real" religions, in your opinion?

How would you characterize religions like Santeria?

There is no difference all religions every where including Santeria have spawned from spiritual revaluations brought about by knowledge gain through those I refer to as shadows. To understand the shadows or even minds you have to understand how time is realized in the veil. Minds are all around us all the time when we are in our minds asking questions about things our minds try to figure us out bringing our time together. Every person or thing has five minds each of these five minds have hundreds of minds inside of them to become us, so the more you are inside of yourself the more of your time you start to find. The one thing we can understand more then anything is the more badly done we are the more time we find inside of ourselves, this is kind of messed up, it is when we are on the precipice of life "badly done" we find the answers.

Now here is the kicker the shadows do not want you to become something right now until you are not finding time here anymore. So they rip your time or minds apart keeping you from becoming yourself in life. Many people chase after this knowledge until they have no time left it is kind of a catch 22 don't figure anything out and you will have time after this life to figure yourself out, try to figure things out in life and you get no time in the after to figure yourself out.

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Interesting, what you write is vaguely reminiscent of a book I once read, "Momo" ("The Grey Gentlemen") by Michael Ende. Are these your personal insights or is this part of a tradition?
There is no difference all religions every where including Santeria have spawned from spiritual revaluations brought about by knowledge gain through those I refer to as shadows. To understand the shadows or even minds you have to understand how time is realized in the veil. Minds are all around us all the time when we are in our minds asking questions about things our minds try to figure us out bringing our time together. Every person or thing has five minds each of these five minds have hundreds of minds inside of them to become us, so the more you are inside of yourself the more of your time you start to find. The one thing we can understand more then anything is the more badly done we are the more time we find inside of ourselves, this is kind of messed up, it is when we are on the precipice of life "badly done" we find the answers.

Now here is the kicker the shadows do not want you to become something right now until you are not finding time here anymore. So they rip your time or minds apart keeping you from becoming yourself in life. Many people chase after this knowledge until they have no time left it is kind of a catch 22 don't figure anything out and you will have time after this life to figure yourself out, try to figure things out in life and you get no time in the after to figure yourself out.

It rings true for me:

... The one thing we can understand more then anything is the more badly done we are the more time we find inside of ourselves, this is kind of messed up, it is when we are on the precipice of life "badly done" we find the answers...

Just the words are not the usual ones we are used to hearing:

.... the shadows do not want you to become something right now until you are not finding time here anymore. So they rip your time or minds apart keeping you from becoming yourself in life ...

EDIT: Our adversaries are active, wanting our life energy
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"The more badly done we are" meaning the more we look inward to find answers about why we are so badly done? Until I became "whole" I searched for answers to fill piece together the void.
It makes sense, what are five minds?

The more badly done we are" meaning the more we look inward to find answers about why we are so badly done?
And rephrasing the idea that often the times of biggest learning come from times of trial and hardship?
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