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In the 1970's a mentalist was speaking on the radio and offered if anyone would to speak in person call the number he gave.

I met with him at his house and I asked if he would become my GURU. Profoundly he states spell GURU. I responded "Gee You Are You" This is absolute truth, by understanding this simple truth we realize whatever happens in life is all about you. We cannot control circumstances, but we can develop and modify the way life affects us.
I recited as instructed and suddenly as i took a deep breath I, I, I, thought I was You
I recited as instructed and suddenly as i took a deep breath I, I, I, thought I was You
The recitations were all you needed?
At that time in your life, I mean?

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I think the search for GURU is open to abuse. I think a person has to learn to be his own guru. I just try to let God take over completely. Imo. I try to live from the highest place inside, and let God do the details ...
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Scripture imparts great wisdom
I think the search for GURU is open to abuse. I think a person has to learn to be his own guru. I just try to let God take over completely. Imo. I try to live from the highest place inside, and let God do the details ...

The purpose is, and has always been, to look within. Embrace the whole self, past, present the stuff no one knows and everyone know the unmistakable good, bad and ugly parts of self that makes and contributes to all that you are. Look inward and love everything you are without self judgement, only compassion and consciousness. Now you’re enlightened.
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Look inward and love everything you are without self judgement, only compassion and consciousness. Now you’re enlightened.
Ok. Let's change you to I. Can a person say: "I am enlightened"?
Profoundly he states spell GURU. I responded "Gee You Are You"
Heh, nice one.

On screen, this reads like a clever pun.

To have been there, experiencing the full blast of a charismatic person's glamour - or even a spiritual experience such as Shaktipat - must have been a whole different thing.

How did your relationship with this teacher play out in the long run, if you'd like to share (and you don't have to, this is very personal stuff)?
A single candle brings light to absolute darkness, at the bottom of a mine, say.

A light bulb brings more light. A searchlight brings more. The sun brings even more -- and the light of 20 million suns is brighter than the light of 19 million suns.

Absolute darkness is the absolute lack of light. But there is no degree of absolute light.

So are there degrees of 'enlightenment'? Can John be more enlightened than Joan?
In my opinion a guru is a person who first rescues me from dire real-world problems, by leading me to the spiritual, and then withdraws -- gradually or suddenly -- to make me 'find truth within', or whatever the words used?
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So are there degrees of 'enlightenment'? Can John be more enlightened than Joan?
Maybe the light comes in all kinds of intensities (I'm not convinced the metaphor works for spirituality and religion, after all, many religions propose a single source). But the light detectors, eyes, hearts in the spiritual sense, certainly come in different sensitivities, and some even have lids or apertures that can be shut completely, or pointed at various angles at a light source.

Maybe Joan has her eyes wide open but is looking away from the light. Maybe John is squinting nervously at the sun through metaphorical UV shades.

Maybe the Supernova faded after a while.

These metaphors, always able to stretch a bit more!
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So, can I draw spiritual messages from the book of nature? Through a glass darkly?
"Can a person say I am enlightened" Yes most definitely, can a person I am enlightened all of the way or as much as I can possibly be enlightened? Maybe, but the latter phrase may or may not be accurate.

What happened then? I went on my way, however, that small bit of wisdom is with me today. I believe within ourselves is the potential to grow and experience a higher understanding of spiritualty, life and everything else we choose to invest ourselves into.

Is it necessary to have spiritual guides or teachers? Maybe or maybe not. We determine what we need or don't need so on that mark it's a matter of personal choice.
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So, can I draw spiritual messages from the book of nature? Through a glass darkly?
I do. You can, too, if you want.

Whether you consider the book of nature an expression of creativity, serving to mirror the divine as best it can in its status as a tarnished, dark looking glass, or as the sum total of all there is, any divinity included, does not matter, in my opinion. Nature enables us to draw any messages at all, spiritual or profane.

The Buddhists call it the precious human birth, in recognition of its unique potential for drawing spiritual messages.
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Whether you consider the book of nature an expression of (creativity, serving to mirror) the divine ...
Omit section in brackets.

One of many perhaps infinite expressions/emanations of the divine. In the sense that each manifestation contains all others. My Father's house has many mansions.

But it goes from here to how it all just happened out of nowhere, for no reason, etc. Where I butt out ...
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From our five natural senses to the wonderful cells of our living bodies and the incredible neuron logic-gates of our brains, we are still very limited in our perception -- and all our wonderful telescopes and instruments and awesome computers, are really just extensions of the limitations of our own natural 'prison'. I think it is materialistic and unwise to reject the possibility of more beyond, simply because our natural senses and minds and instruments cannot go beyond their inbuilt limitations and come up with concrete evidence of spirit.
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I think it is materialistic and unwise to reject the possibility of more beyond, simply because our natural senses and minds and instruments cannot go beyond their inbuilt limitations and come up with concrete evidence of spirit.
Maybe we are just quibbling over words, over what it means for something to be "beyond nature".

There is an inclusive understanding of spirit: That it is part of nature, of the universe, subject to its own set of understandable, discoverable laws just as any other part of the universe.

With this understanding in mind, the meaning of "nothing beyond nature" is different than excluding the subjective experience of spirit from nature. (Which from my point of view is ridiculous anyway, as consciousness, in all its subjective glory, is the very looking glass through which we darkly perceive and experience the natural world.)
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Imo spirit surrounds and contains and permeates nature. The greater dimension contains the lesser, but not the other way around. Anyway ...
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