Modern medicine and healing versus


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a figment of your imagination
So there are various religious groups that rely on prayer and G!d only for medical miracles.

And then there are the atheist or agnostics that rely on modern medicine for medical miracles and / or normal medical maintenance.

I'd say most are a mix of the two, thinking it's G!d is in anything, G!d is in everything, including doctors nurses and medical advances.

I am in the hospital now headed in for open heart surgery and some pretty I Hi-Tech stuff. They cool you down to 23 degrees Centigrade, heart stops brain stops legally dead and take out the largest artery in your body and replace it with synthetic from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. Warm it back up kick everything back into gear and bring it back to life.

Second time around for me for this. Procedure happens Monday, I am without complications I'll be posting the results when I get back to this side of life.

In the meantime, This Thread is for the discussion of G!d's or religious involvement in healing and your beliefs.

If it doesn't go well, know that I enjoyed the heck out of my time on this planet and my time in this forum!
Second time around for me for this. Procedure happens Monday, I am without complications I'll be posting the results when I get back to this side of life.
Do you have a timeline when we could expect to hear from you?
Healing purrs from the :kitty: delegation.

Anyway, I believe in a combination of both because having one without the other leads to negative outcomes. And studies show adding furred companions (both therapy dogs and a patient's own companion) to the equation helps with the beneficial recovery.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Do you have a timeline when we could expect to hear from you?
They should have me on my feet day of...cognitive who knows how long...I'm slated to lose a few more IQ points and hopefully we don't have more strokes...

I asked my cardiologist (not the surgeon, but a guy that knows me well and my sense of humor) how long recovery should take...he said 5 months..or a half hour...

So I say if you don't hear from me by Wednesday it'll likely be a couple weeks...or not at all.
So there are various religious groups that rely on prayer and G!d only for medical miracles.

And then there are the atheist or agnostics that rely on modern medicine for medical miracles and / or normal medical maintenance.

I'd say most are a mix of the two, thinking it's G!d is in anything, G!d is in everything, including doctors nurses and medical advances.

I am in the hospital now headed in for open heart surgery and some pretty I Hi-Tech stuff. They cool you down to 23 degrees Centigrade, heart stops brain stops legally dead and take out the largest artery in your body and replace it with synthetic from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. Warm it back up kick everything back into gear and bring it back to life.

Second time around for me for this. Procedure happens Monday, I am without complications I'll be posting the results when I get back to this side of life.

In the meantime, This Thread is for the discussion of G!d's or religious involvement in healing and your beliefs.

If it doesn't go well, know that I enjoyed the heck out of my time on this pla
So there are various religious groups that rely on prayer and G!d only for medical miracles.

And then there are the atheist or agnostics that rely on modern medicine for medical miracles and / or normal medical maintenance.

I'd say most are a mix of the two, thinking it's G!d is in anything, G!d is in everything, including doctors nurses and medical advances.

I am in the hospital now headed in for open heart surgery and some pretty I Hi-Tech stuff. They cool you down to 23 degrees Centigrade, heart stops brain stops legally dead and take out the largest artery in your body and replace it with synthetic from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. Warm it back up kick everything back into gear and bring it back to life.

Second time around for me for this. Procedure happens Monday, I am without complications I'll be posting the results when I get back to this side of life.

In the meantime, This Thread is for the discussion of G!d's or religious involvement in healing and your beliefs.

If it doesn't go well, know that I enjoyed the heck out of my time on this planet and my time in this forum!
Saying prayers for you, wil. Come back soon smarter than before.
No words to say
So I say if you don't hear from me by Wednesday it'll likely be a couple weeks...or not at all.
Be counting the days. Hope everything goes smoothly.
Take care, Wil! Best wishes for a smooth procedure and a speedy recovery, read from you soon! And yeah, your company is enjoyable, too! I'm glad to know you.
So I say if you don't hear from me by Wednesday it'll likely be a couple weeks...or not at all.
I’m showing my confidence in your recovery by not responding to your question to me on the Christmas thread until you come back.
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Last time I was out and no recollection of the pain or how doped-up I was. This time we are making Daily Progress removing tubes increasing breath, may get out of ICU by tomorrow and then just step down. Once again looking at this as an observer helps separate me from the battle