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Curious is the art of being human. Happiness, contentment does your belief system grant you satisfaction and long-term well-being? As a Christian I can say my relationship with God through Jesus Christ make it possible for enduring happiness and satisfaction.

Christian faith is hard to understand without knowing God and the method of faith /salvation from having Jesus in you.

Born-again is a term used by Christians that depicts life-altering changes that occur to individuals accepting Christ as their Savior.Born again Christians are recognized by significant positive changes in attitude and behavior.
I have had spiritual experiences through the Holy Spirit and Baha'u'llah. Recently, though, that has been lacking. But my faith helps me feel content with my lot in life.
I have had spiritual experiences through the Holy Spirit and Baha'u'llah. Recently, though, that has been lacking. But my faith helps me feel content with my lot in life.
Was there a life changing event that confirmed a rite or passage from the old to the new self?
Was there a life changing event that confirmed a rite or passage from the old to the new self?
I'm not sure what you mean, but in a dream the Bab, the forerunner of Baha'u'llah told me that I was going to be married soon. I asked Him when and He said on Wednesday. I understood that to mean on a Wednesday. A few months later in 1982 I started writing to a Baha'i woman from 1500 miles away that had been introduced to me by a matchmaker. Later that year I traveled to meet her and met her on a Wednesday. In retrospect perhaps it was more of an instruction to meet her on Wednesday. Two days later we decided to marry on July 9, the anniversary of the martyrdom of the Bab. We married on October 22. It was Paul the apostle that ushered me into the Bab's presence.

Between the time the Bab appeared to me and we started writing together I went on pilgrimage to the Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel, and in a house where Baha'u'llah once dwelt in Akka (which is the same as Acre of the crusaders) had an overwhelming experience where I was filled completely with awe for Baha'u'llah and prostrated myself before Him, filled with Him and crying. I also had other spiritual experiences there though not as strong. There was an experience several years ago that was even better than that, where I was completely filled with love for God and Baha'u'llah and was in ecstasy. This came out of the blue while looking at a passage from Baha'u'llah's writings with especial reverence, not from a prayer or meditation. Other than that I have felt a less potent connection with God many times when I prayed.
How did the Bab appear to you? What form?
He was a child that looked at me as if He could see in me.

Please explain. How did Paul the apostle usher you into the Bab's presence? Did you gain a feeling of understanding and knowledge?
I just knew it was Paul. As a sign of this he didn't have a head as it had been cut off by the Romans. But that wasn't the total reason. I knew he was Paul just like I knew the child was the Bab.
By faith I believe Jesus saved me from sin by invitation into my life. My life changed in unimaginable ways, for one I lived with severe mental illness from 1975 to 2005; and suddenly I knew how to regain my life afters years of psychotic depression. I am not cured, but I am mostly symptom free.

People are valuable and sometimes it takes a miracle to understand personal worth.
What is important? Love, peace, and happiness; these are the highest because they belong to states of consciousness which elevate us above all things. For each state of consciousness, different forms of knowledge; knowledge lies in consciousness.

"We will now consider the reason why the soul loses its wings. It is something like this. The natural function of the wing is to soar upwards and carry that which is heavy up to the place where dwells the race of the gods. More than any other thing that pertains to the body it partakes of the nature of the divine. But the divine is beauty, wisdom, goodness, and all such qualities; by these then the wings of the soul are nourished and grow, but by the opposite qualities, such as vileness and evil, they are wasted away and destroyed."
Plato, Phaedrus 246