Who try to use CBD?

Interesting. What country are you from. Around here I think there are not yet many conventional docs recommending marijuana. There is still a gap between the promoters and claims and any doc that has been outta school for any time.

We will know it is mainstream when they get CEUs to learn specifics and start prescribing and insurance companies start paying for speicic strains for specific treatment.
My doc advise me CBD oil. Who has experience with it?
I've not used CBD oil myself, but it's not uncommon these days for it to be used in the treatment of anxiety and depression. From what I understand, it has much the same calming effect as Kava root, which is the national drink in Fiji, known as grog.
CBD is not marijuana. CBD can come from marijuana, but does not necessarily include THC-- and even if it does, it still is not marijuana. It does not always even come from marijuana. Often it is from hemp, which of course is also cannabis, but unlike marijuana it has a very low THC content. It's not like you're going to get high from most CBD oil. Get the stuff with little or no THC and you can't get high from it.

My wife, stepson and I use CBD oil regularly for anxiety and migraines. It is very effective for both.
I am anti big pharma.. I believe God placed on this earth everything we need and I've been using essential oils for everything. Quite successfully. The problems we are facing is not following God's instructions and that's why we are so sick.
I was anti big pharma and big into natural remedies and right up until 2 weeks after my first helicopter ride and I woke up from the big pharma induced coma and half a million bucks was spent to rebuild my ascending aorta after it dissected.

My tune changed, lol
For treat anxiety.
You are stronger than you think you are. You have lived and fought against your anxieties every day for a long time. The fact that you are here today; means you have beat your anxieties every day. A 100% success is pretty good in my book.

CBD oil, drugs, alcohol will not solve your problems, they might postpone them for a short while, then your problems will return.

There are so many things in life that are outside our power to change. We can't change the past, we can't change family, there are limits on how we are able to affect change on our lives. Debt, addiction, work, uncertain future, co-workers, all these and more can cause anxiety, and we often have little power to change them.

Share your problems with other people, say how you feel, you are not alone. Most people have a back story, most people struggle to survive, life is tough, but tough does not mean impossible, it just means we have to try harder. At the age of 73, I can look back on life and know I had to struggle a lot harder than I ever thought I would have to. All I can say, it was worth all the struggles, hard work, disappointments and uncertainties.

Life's problems are relentless, I now face failing health, my wife has been in pain for a few years and is struggling to walk to the loo. All we can do is pray for the wisdom, the strength, peace and serenity to get through today, and every day, always one day at a time. Fight all battles with kindness.

I say this in the hope you will find the strength that is already within you, you just don't know you already have this strength.
I was anti big pharma and big into natural remedies and right up until 2 weeks after my first helicopter ride and I woke up from the big pharma induced coma and half a million bucks was spent to rebuild my ascending aorta after it dissected.

My tune changed, lol
There's a difference in big pharma and medical intervention. Big pharma is profiting off the sick and dying. I'm speaking of the opioid crisis.. the burial of a cancer cure.. the prices of life saving drugs. I'm very happy you lived through such a tragic accident but I would be grateful to someone else.