Addiction, Higher Power, Health & Wellness


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What is the connection between recovery and spirituality?

Having faith and creating trust for divine intervention. Spiritual acceptance and trust in what cannot be seen or touched. Faith in coping with life & symptoms.

Why believe?

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What is the connection between recovery and spirituality?
In the US, AA and NA do use the higher power as the crutch to lean on. 'I am powerless over X addiction'. Not all therapy includes a spiritual component. I don't know success rates of various modalities. Successfully fighting addiction rates are fairly low.
I believe there is a universal spiritual awareness or recognition for everybody. During times of hopelessness and desperation people seek solace in God or others of belief and faith. We seek and engage in powerful allies to help cope with life circumstances that we got ourselves into.

Does God help everybody who asks for help? Maybe not in the way that is expected, but I believe God listens.
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Everyone can believe what they wish, but not everyone believes or seeks G!d.
Granted well played. My point is and maybe I’ll direct this concept to, if not god per say what avenue of support do you seek? Inner strength, natural and metaphysical energy? I do not know, however, without god who or what is the substitute?
Granted well played. My point is and maybe I’ll direct this concept to, if not god per say what avenue of support do you seek? Inner strength, natural and metaphysical energy? I do not know, however, without god who or what is the substitute?

But substitutes are part of the problem in this context, I think. It has to be genuine.
But substitutes are part of the problem in this context, I think. It has to be genuine.
May I ask to people who have no interest in god, what or who do you turn to as God's replacement
May I ask to people who have no interest in god, what or who do you turn to as God's replacement
I'm not well qualified to answer, as I'm not in recovery.

From my point of view, there is nothing that needs replacing. But that doesn't answer your question.

My best guess about an atheist working the 12 steps, is that anything or anyone greater than themselves could work. The group itself, for example.

But I really don't know from experience.
May I ask to people who have no interest in god, what or who do you turn to as God's replacement

A therapist may prove to be good--a talented one which understands the psychological aspect of addiction.

I think that everything a relationship with God gives can be found in a relationship with Truth. Therefore all sciences and forms of knowledge, from philosophy to psychology, can aid someone struggling with addiction (which is a battle against one's own ignorance, therefore whatever vanishes ignorance and bestows understanding in its stead is what will aid one through the struggles of ignorance)
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