What about intergalactic religion


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assumably if there is life beyond the boundaries of earth there must be forms of worship and religion. Perhaps, religion is based on other worldly beliefs and practices?
great question, this is a very good question

In my personal experience there are religions in all the universe and plains of existence. Its fascinating really. Upon entering all flags and symbols descend upon one, all sharing the same truth of Oneness (kingdom of heaven, brotherhood of men, Love Supreme.) This is why our earthly symbols are so good (the cross, etc.) The simpler the symbol the easier it is to spread and impart its precepts. The observation of a symbol is the downloading of all the knowledge of a symbol (telepathic knowledge, instant knowledge, is the means by which perception and sensation exists beyond the five agregates.)

My greatest teachers have been aliens, ('sky people', 'intergalactic brothers' 'dead ancestors', etc.) found in the heart. They are wise cause they are the most loving people you will ever encounter.
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One of the most thoughtful takes on this topic is Stanisław Lem's novel, "His Master's Voice", in my opinion.

Humanity receives a signal from space, and starts to decode it. The brightest minds. The computational resources of human civilization. Everything is tried. Theories abound. Maybe it is just a random occurrence, some celestial object burping a seemingly-coherent stream of modulated waves? But it seems meaningful! Just tantalizingly out of reach.

Great book.
Solaris and Contact also go there, but to me, both books have plots based on psychology, not religion. "His Master's Voice" manages to convey this sense of an Other that is too great for humans to comprehend. In both of the other novels, this is mitigated somewhat by the Other reaching out and sizing down to human scale.

Come to think of it, our recent discussions about psychological benefits of spirituality also touch this topic.

Interesting stuff.