are all people lost without knowing God


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lost souls, restless spirits, unfinished lives, are they lost or incomplete?

will God be acknowledged by everyone?
lost souls, restless spirits, unfinished lives, are they lost or incomplete?

will God be acknowledged by everyone?
How are you defining 1) lost souls; 2) restless spirits; 3) unfinished lives?
How does that question relate to the question/title of this thread?
How does your final question relate to anything else in the post?
How are you defining 1) lost souls; 2) restless spirits; 3) unfinished lives?
How does that question relate to the question/title of this thread?
How does your final question relate to anything else in the post[/QUOTE

The question is simple, do people refuse God at some point realize God?
are all people lost without knowing God?


lost souls, restless spirits, unfinished lives, are they lost or incomplete?

This is known as an Endless Knot, tis an ancient symbol (carvings date back to 2500BC.) It is an adequate symbol, adequate symbol means a piece of information which will still have meaning no matter the fluctuations in dialect and the evolution of languages. It can be the direct image of a form in nature, taking its meaning in the same way as a scientific diagram.

will God be acknowledged by everyone?

When one gets jolted by touching an electricity source (eg, RCA cables) does one acknowledge the jolt as the phenomena of electromagnetism? Does one need to intelectually understand all the laws of electromagnetism to understand the pain of the electric jolt?
..will God be acknowledged by everyone?

No .. our minds have more than one conscious level.
We can even convince ourselves of the truth of something sub-consciously.

I'm not making any accusations, just acknowledging the fact.
God, the Most High, knows what is in our "breasts"