I have Parkinson's Disease


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Symptoms; tremors, right hand pill-rolling,

A neurological condition caused by serotonin deficiency and possibly long-term use of psychiatric medication

Prevention; acupuncture, listen to serotonin release tones, purchased a ping pong table for eye, hand & balance coordination. diet modification, and juicing vegetables
Sorry to hear mate, my mum has something similar but doctors have not been able to diagnose it yet. She's getting tremors in her neck mostly.
My dad and Mohammed Ali had it plus Michael J. Fox has it. There are several innovations that have come up since they were all diagnosed.

Dad used to exercise his gross/fine motor coordination (when he was lucid enough, plus the "receiver" was willing to accept the attention) by petting a nonhuman companion (in our case, :kitty:s.) If you aren't allergic to dogs, you could look into them.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Prevention; acupuncture, listen to serotonin release tones, purchased a ping pong table for eye, hand & balance coordination. diet modification, and juicing vegetables
Sounds to me like you are working it out. I like the ping pong idea! Seems I've read listening to the music you liked to dance to in your youth helps the motor connections.

Good luck in your battles!
Whether it is bio-weapons possibly causing COVID-19 virus, Parkinson's Disease or whatever occurs in the world are symptoms of life, nothing more. Therefore worry is a waste of time and to bitch, cry or moan, portrays an ignorance of life and the world.
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That sucks, sorry to hear. But your plan is good! More power to you!
Sorry to hear this. However, you seem to have a good perspective and a well-thought out plan moving forward. Good luck!
purchased a ping pong table for eye, hand & balance coordination.

Seems I've read listening to the music you liked to dance to in your youth helps the motor connections.

Speaking of dancing . . .

Video games are good for eye coordination. Games like Just Dance, which involve a lot of movement, may help you with your balance too.