The Omer, but who's counting?

We count the days from the second day of Passover, 49 days (7 weeks) leading up to the feast of Weeks (Shavu'ot). We recite a blessing and count every night. Tonight, we counted 8 (1 week and 1 day).
There are a variety of different things that get attached to the count, one being the kabbalistic consideration of the sefirot which are attached to each day. But that's not my focus. I just try to remember to count each night.
Yeah -- not exactly my speed.
Some years ago I was given a book as a present by someone who knew I had spent several years in Pittsburgh and who knew I had a passing acquaintance with Abraham Twerski who is both a Chasidic rabbi and an M.D. who is a practicing psychiatrist. That book is titled Growing Each Day. The book is keyed to the Hebrew (non-leap year) calendar, one page devoted to one day of the calendar.

Each page starts with a brief passage from a different source - such as Tanakh, Talmud, Tanya, Midrash Rabba, Siddur, Orach Chaim - followed by Rabbi Twerski's thoughts and then a very brief "Today I Shall...." section setting forth a goal for the day. Most of the year I only take a look at it from time to time. However, I do refer to it and use it as one springboard for my own reflections during this time of counting the omer and in connection to holy days.
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This is today's omer. Below it is what happened to me just before I came in and read it.

Count 20 days on Tuesday night, April 28, 2020

Today is twenty days, which is two weeks and six days of the Omer.

Yesod ShebeTiferes

For compassion to be fully realized, it needs bonding. It requires creating a channel between giver and receiver. A mutuality that extends beyond the moment of need. A bond that continues to live on. That is the most gratifying result of true compassion. Do you bond with the one you have compassion for, or do you remain apart? Does your interaction achieve anything beyond a single act of sympathy?

Exercise for the day: Ensure that something eternal is built as a result of your compassion.


I was turning over soil in the garden when i heard.dogs barking and a lady scream. Two folks walking dogs, opposite side of the street but as I looked up, the dog kept and drug her to the ground. The other fellow wanted to help but was at the end of its leash. She laying outstretched the dog still tugging, both dogs barking. I sked him to move on, so I could help her as his dog wasn't helping... She on the ground, wrist brace, 60s, mask on concerned about self distancing, said she could get up if I held her dog... she got up, caught her breath, and continued down the road....

She's gone...

Now that I've read todays Omer, I feel compelled to keep my eye out for her and her dog....
This is today's omer. Below it is what happened to me just before I came in and read it.

Count 20 days on Tuesday night, April 28, 2020

Today is twenty days, which is two weeks and six days of the Omer.
Yesod ShebeTiferes..........

Now that I've read todays Omer, I feel compelled to keep my eye out for her and her dog....

I'll try to be as gentle as possible in breaking this news to you.... This is not April 28th.