I am giving up on religion


Curious Seeker
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I know that it's hard time and things are uncertain
but I can't do this any longer.
I loss too much to be humble and thankful.
People just evil and hate filled for me to follow dogmas and ideology.
I got only one life to live and I'm trying to make the best of it.

I need more than faith and promise of a afterlife, I need peace
and assurance that I wake up to see another day.

, I need peace
and assurance that I wake up to see another day.
I absolutely agree with the former...and have become intimately aware I have never had a promise of the latter.

These times are such turmoil for so many. It is something new to all of us. I wish I had words for you.

My rose colored glasses version cannot wait to see the good that comes out of this.

Big hugz.
I know that it's hard time and things are uncertain
but I can't do this any longer.

I need more than faith and promise of a afterlife, I need peace
and assurance that I wake up to see another day.

It's up & down for all of us..
Tomorrow is another day .. we need to be positive and persevere.
Almighty God forgives mankind for their sins .. He loves those who turn to Him.
Almighty God can bless anybody that He wills.

Don't be concerned with people having different creeds .. nobody owns God!
Those whom the gods love, they take away from them much; those whom the gods love most, they away from them everything
I need more than faith and promise of a afterlife, I need peace
and assurance that I wake up to see another day.

My Wife and I have both had struggles with our faith and have also thought of just throwing in the towel.
We had a Daughter pass away back in 2015 she spent most of her year and a half on this earth in the children's hospital. Not long after that we found out my Wife had a life threatening brain aneurysm. We found this out when she was Pregnant with our forth and last Daughter. The doctor said we should abort the child as both of them may have not made it.

We prayed and prayed and prayed, people around the world did also, Our Daughter that passed away was the 1st and only person that had a condition on top of her main one, so that is why people around the world knew what was going on from our facebook page about her.

My Wife and now 4 year old Daughter made it , and I believe that was from the Power of Prayer .

My point is , things can get just awful and all you want to do is give up but you never know who is praying for you and what may come from it.

keep your chin up , My Family will be praying for you .