What if John was before Mark?


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What if . . .

. . . the Gospel of John was written before Mark?

"The Book of the Hellenists and the Origin of the Gospel of Mark: The Development of the Gospels of Mark and John Turned on Its Head!"

Here are three interesting points to get started.
  • ". . . [T]he Gospel of John as the Book of the Hellenists has also proven to be most trustworthy in the facts included. Modern archeology has verified the existence of the Pools of Bethesda (Jn 5:2) and Siloam (Jn 9:7), and material facts corroborate numerous other topographical features in John’s narrative. Even John’s chronology of the Passover events, contradicted by Mark and his followers, has been confirmed by more recent research."

  • "Although most of the content of Mark and John is different, there are still as many as fifty direct parallels between Mark and John. However, if we investigate them in detail, another issue arises. Surprisingly, if the details are considered more closely, it appears more likely that in almost all of the cases, John might not have copied from Mark, but rather, Mark copied John."

  • "As for the Prologue of John, it might be fascinating to consider that the very first Jesus Creed may have been composed by the Hellenistic followers of Jesus in the 'Synagogue of the Libertines, Cyreneans, Alexandrians, and people of Cilicia and of the province of Asia' (Acts 6:9), likely in Jerusalem."
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