The Coronavirus and Bible Prophecy

Charles Graham

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There’s nothing in end time prophecy (that I’m aware of) that speaks specifically about COVID-19. Mention of widespread disease is only touched on briefly by Jesus in Matt 24:

“And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matt 24:7–8)

However, prophecy does say that terrible things (such as the disasters described in Matthew 24) will precede a period of great peace, and that period of peace will be ushered in by a popular world leader (the antichrist), who will gain control of the world through his ability to solve these problems.

Could COVID-19 be one such problem which leads to the rise of antichrist? My friends and I have theorized about this:
The Coronavirus and Bible Prophecy
Could COVID-19 be one such problem which leads to the rise of antichrist?
No. I just think that in most countries the retired and aged population -- in some countries nearly a quarter -- has become so large that perhaps nature has to find a way to balance things?. And eventually nature will prevail, imo

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