About the Soul....


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Redlands, California
The essential identity of every human being is a rational and immortal soul, which is “entirely out of the order of the physical creation.” Bahá’u’lláh uses the metaphor of the sun to explain the relationship between the soul and the body: “The soul of man is the sun by which his body is illumined, and from which it draweth its sustenance, and should be so regarded.”

It is through the exercise of the powers of the soul that human progress is achieved. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has said that the soul “can discover the realities of things, comprehend the peculiarities of beings, and penetrate the mysteries of existence. All sciences, knowledge, arts, wonders, institutions, discoveries and enterprises come from the exercised intelligence of the rational soul.”

We are able to reflect divine attributes to the extent that we cleanse the mirrors of our hearts and minds through prayer, the study and application of the Sacred Scriptures, the acquisition of knowledge, efforts to improve our conduct and to overcome tests and difficulties, and service to humanity.

When death occurs in this world, the soul is separated from the body, and continues to progress in an eternal journey towards perfection.

What Bahá’ís Believe

I believe that's the only thing that's real in us: Soul (always was, will, and ever will be). Which is why I believe our true human life age on earth begins at the time of conception, making us already 9 months old in human form when we are "born" in the world. I call my "birthday" age plus 9 months my lifeday age.
I believe that's the only thing that's real in us: Soul (always was, will, and ever will be). Which is why I believe our true human life age on earth begins at the time of conception, making us already 9 months old in human form when we are "born" in the world. I call my "birthday" age plus 9 months my lifeday age.

Thanks for your post Krisha!
I believe that's the only thing that's real in us: Soul (always was, will, and ever will be). Which is why I believe our true human life age on earth begins at the time of conception, making us already 9 months old in human form when we are "born" in the world. I call my "birthday" age plus 9 months my lifeday age.
You know, I had a Korean girlfriend many moons ago that told me her 1st birthday was celebrated 3 months after being born and that her birth certificate was backdated 9 months. Not sure if that's a Korean thing, Buddhist thing or just her family's thing. I never asked.
Just an aside, there is an ancient, esoteric Christian Tradition, following from Hebrew mystical speculation (I believe), that Christ's earthly life was complete in that He lived a number of full years, thus His death would have occurred on the anniversary of His conception. He was crucified in the Spring, so if He was conceived in Spring, nine months later would be in 'the bleak mid-winter', as the poet has it. In December.