Belief in the Ark



Belief in the Ark the vision of the ark is still operating

The mission of this collective.
To deliver the poor and needy. To deliver too the unkowing who are following distruction.To advance in knowledge individuals. To live in peace not war. To maintain a network in vision.

The wise will see and increase in learning and to turn others to right. The wicked will not understand.
Visitors are free to learn this system. To join this collective you must commit to the mission of the collective.

Alphabet Chart.

See alphabet chart to understand this language system, a totality system. NETWORKING
Relatives for each letter in the alphabet. A totality system.

A or a : Art
B or b : Base and/or Basis
C or c : See
D or d : Differential
E or e : Rest
F or f : Differential
G or g : Genesis
H or h : Parallel
I or i : Yourself
J or j : Justice
K or k : Knowledge

L or l : Live
M or m : Inclined V Ark in Vision
N or n : End
O or o : Encircle
P or p : Peace
Q or q : Quest
R or r : Real
S or s : Sign
T or t : Time/T square
U or u : You
V or v : Ark in vision
W or w : Wall and/or walls
X or x : Unknown
Y or y : Beyond
Z or z : Zeal

1. How to read words. Each letter is a vision.
2. Letter design and references.
3. Letters are Internet Tools.
4. Letters are geometry.

How to read words.

Look at the word "example". The first letter in a word is the primary vision for that word. "e" is the primary vision for the word in "example". "x-a-m-p-l-e" are the values for "e" in example. e : rest

The primary vision for "example" is "rest" the values x-a-m-p-l-e" are the values for rest. The values are x: unknown, a: art, m: ark in vision, p: peace, l: live, E: rest. "E" at the end of the word "example" is a reminder to rest.

Look at the word "important". The first letter in a word is the primary vision." i■ is the primary vision in the word important.■
m-p-o-r-t -a-n-t" are the values. The value letters are each visions for the primary vision and it is the same with all words
Double letters in words like ⌠letter" is for emphasis in time / T square , to measure with.
L is the yx axis in system anaylsis / and crossroads L : Live.
Letter A is a angle and is use to relate to Art, the angle is turn down only to see a different view only. The bar in the letter A is a evaluation bar.
Letter M=V in words. M replaces V for word ability in words with M.
Ark is a curve or bend in geometry. The root. Vision as geometry/knowledge is the vision of the ark.

You may have the alphabet totality free, as a gift, or to sell and/or use for trade.
Request, write with colors and avoid using black or gray methods to write with.
Copyright2004 EARTH E-NETWORK
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Re: Belief in the Ark the vision of the ark is still operating

Hebephrenic to be sure, which makes for fascinating reading.
Re: Belief in the Ark the vision of the ark is still operating

I said:
Hebephrenic to be sure, which makes for fascinating reading.
Reminds me of the Navajo code talkers of WWII. Without the codex, or an understanding of the language (and the people), the code made no sense, but to the few that had both, the code was child's play. Speculation (rightfully so I suspect) is that today's Deep Blue computers, would have never broken the windtalker's code either, not in billions of years.



B Base
A Art
N End
D Differential
I Yourself
T Time T Square

My primary vision is BASE:D My values for BASE are art, end, differential myself? and time. Now I get it. I must be wicked.:)
All letters of all alphabets carry a number sequence, and when letters are used in conjunction with each other it creates the number sequence which creates a curve in geometry and different vibrationary frequencies.

The same happens with specific number sequences without words. Numbers hold many secrets to the universe.

being love
