Melchizedek as Angel


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The archangel Michael is described as a heavenly high-priest in the Babylonian Talmud. and in a medieval Jewish text (Yalquf had. f. 115, column 3, No. 19) he is identified with Melchizedek.

This in Paul J. Kobelski, "Melchizedek and Melchiresa," Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Monograph Series 10, 1981: 65.

Melchizedek as Angel

Michael we know was a high priest, or at least a priestly figure. The Shephard of Hermas, an important early Christian work considered scriptures by some early Christians, in the Similitudes describes him as “he who holds authority over peoples and governs them… gives them the law, into the hearts of the believers.(1) This is Yahweh’s role we see Michael having. The Ascension of Isaiah describes how Michael the chief of the holy angels opens the grave of Jesus on Easter Morning after his burial.(2) Greek Baruch describes how he held the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, He opens the gate and brings oil to the people.(3) In the Life of Adam and Eve it is the Angel Michael who commands Satan to worship Adam because he was made in the image of God. Satan refuses and thus he and his followers were driven from heaven. It was this same angel who brought seed to Adam from Paradise and taught him how to till the ground.(4)

But the Great Angel is also Melchizedek.(5) Some early Church Fathers claimed this, such as Origen, though Jerome disagreed. Perhaps it was the silence of his parentage which gave rise to this legend. The Pentateuch does say he was a Priest after El Elyon in Jerusalem. This El Elyon was the Procreator of Heaven and Earth. We also understand that Melchizedek is of the Royal House. Ps. 110 depicts this. Both Genesis 14 and Ps. 110 depict Melchizedek thus. And Melchizedek was lumped with Michael as well. as my previous note showed, at least in medieval Judaic esoterica.

So it is a remarkably fascinating document coming from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the 11Q Melchizedek, that strings all kinds of materials together from the scriptures and legend which depicts Melchizedek with all the roles of Yahweh! He is the agent of the Judgement of God, in a Jubilee year no less. He made expiation for men. Melchizedek was the judge in the council of the gods. He wreaked vengeance on Belial and was the one heralded in Isaiah 52:7. He was the great Atoner on the Day of Atonement.(6) There is much more to explore, which I will do so as I have time. For now what we come to grasp is the angel traditions in the late Judaism after Alexander the Great’s Kingdom was split up, the Hellenistic Age, the same era which produced the incredible Books of Enoch, which also identify Metatron not only with Enoch but with the Great Angel *usually reserved for Yahweh), and thus we see many men inhabiting the same role as Yahweh, Enoch even being called the “Lesser Yahweh.” It is a remarkable era, and one which I will return to again and again.


1.Carolyn Osiek, The Shepherd of Hermas, Fortress Press, 1999: 195.

2.. M. A. Knibb, Ascension and Martyrdom of Isaiah, in James H. Charlesworth, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, vol. 2, p. 160.

3. R. H. Charles, The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, Vol. 2, Oxford, reprint, 1979: 540-541.

4. Discussed in Margaret Barker, The Great Angel, SPCK, John Knox Press, 1992: 88.

5. Barker, Great Angel, p. 88.
I have been taught that Melchizedek is God (or YHVH); he has no father nor mother, is immoral and is like unto the Son of God.

The King of Righteousness and King of Peace

in other words, he is God

Hi - I am new to the forum
I have been taught that Melchizedek is God (or YHVH); he has no father nor mother, is immoral and is like unto the Son of God.

The King of Righteousness and King of Peace

in other words, he is God

Hi - I am new to the forum

Hi PricelessPearl, and welcome to the forums. You've found a good place, lots of good people here. Broken people for certain (aren't we all?), but good.

Yes, that is my understanding of Melchizedek as well. You might enjoy the following, taken from the book of Judges. I can rarely read it that I don't get chills. Italics mine...

18 And the angel of the Lord said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?
19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and offered it upon a rock unto the Lord: and the angel did wonderously; and Manoah and his wife looked on.
20 For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar. And Manoah and his wife looked on it, and fell on their faces to the ground.
So I read that passage and have been contemplating the meaning and the only thing that has come to me (so far) is that it depicts the person who is waking up to the understanding that their intuition is God speaking to them, and the appropriate response to such an awakening and the result or newness of being, or consciousness, that follows.

I am totally open to your interp
So I read that passage and have been contemplating the meaning and the only thing that has come to me (so far) is that it depicts the person who is waking up to the understanding that their intuition is God speaking to them, and the appropriate response to such an awakening and the result or newness of being, or consciousness, that follows.

I am totally open to your interp

Hi again...
I see you have met our Cino here. We love him here, he's a good hearted guy albeit quite the stickler for the introduction board. :) But he's right, an introduction there will get you into contact with more people and scholars, such as for instance the originator of this thread and others.

I'm no scholar myself, not by any means, simply not equipped for it. But I have been told, (and I suspect many here might concur) that I do crazy quite well. :)

I like a lot of what you had to say about waking up and intuition... Don't forget however, the importance of sacrifice. It's seen in both Melchizedek and the angel announcing the birth of Samson. (Samson would be a sacrifice.) He lost all his strength in the end and was made a plaything of the Philistines. They would wheel him out whenever they needed some entertainment, so in that way he was made a spectacle and a gazingstock to men, and I suppose, if there were any angels flitting about at the time, them too. It was a good act and he saved the best for last... it brought down the house. But notice the heart, the freewill: "Let me die with the Philistines". There's something poignant in that, something with dignity.

So... then there's Melchizedek. A high priest, one who gives the sacrifice. A designation of the kind of high priest who has no beginning and no ending, a high priest who existed before creation. If a sacrificer, then there must be a sacrifice also. The eternal will to give of yourself until there is nothing left. If the will is the priest, then the sacrifice must be the heart, or at least something very dear and very costly. It's sacred. What can drive such a thing as that? The sacrifice of a torn and bleeding heart from the foundation of the world. Only love could do it. Is it freewill? I don't even know anymore. Love is very powerful and compelling. There are some things so dear that they are worth giving your life for.

I believe angels may represent priests (Melchizedek) and sacrifices (announcing Samson as a type of sacrifice), but the true and heavenly sacrifice must be made by God alone, and surprise... man. Deep calls to deep. God speaks, the spirit in man leans to Him. The spirit in humankind, all the variegated forms that come from the one mold. The sacrifices of man, each one a drop in that larger ocean who is God. Tiny by comparison, but still very precious.

Better drop this now before it drops me. I hope it at least made some sense.
May your stay here be a productive one.
Hi Stranger, thanks. I will check out the introduction board.

I always try to interpret scripture on a psychological level (spiritual psychology not materialistic psychology); and I don’t read stories as unfolding in a timeline (say an account of one’s entire life) but as individual teachings.

For me, angels are messengers (within our own being). An angel disturbs our mind and can be a desire we have, a dream of something we want to be or become, a hope or passion for life we have- which I see as all messages from God. An archangel would be a message on the level of intuition and Melchizedek in this story is called an angel although a high priest. I’d say the sacrifice is our very life (represented by the kid - or living creature, life itself or animating energy and we are that which is burned in the fires of life) and in the story, the current perception of self is let go of. Samson means sun, or sun child, which I would say symbolizes illumination- or a level of illumination that the individual gains when the understanding that one’s intuition is the personal communication between God and oneself. If taken seriously, that person will never be the same again. The wife is to not be defiled in the story. The wife is one’s consciousness- which is telling you that God is speaking to you, that your intuition is direction, teaching from God. The wife in the story is to be undefined which for me means that we must receive what our intuition is revealing to us without the input, information, facts of the outside world. (Christ is born of a virgin mother and Mary is born (Gospel of the Birth of Mary) as well from a mother who is kept in the holy temple undefiled by man.

I spend most my time hanging out in the New Testament and there is so much for me to learn. I am not a scholar- I am a lover of God.
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Hi PricelessPearl...

I spend most my time hanging out in the New Testament and there is so much for me to learn. I am not a scholar- I am a lover of God.

I like this a lot. There's been a lot of clamor going on around the house yesterday and today too, but finally I have some quiet moments now and can hear myself think. :) Nice to have a friend to post to here. I'm an older guy so don't worry about anything. Just kind of lonely and you're kind, you know? So we're good, I'm not looking for anything. Just wanting to put you at ease.

We take chances sometimes posting on these lists, it's like taking a step into the dark sometimes, we never know what we are going to run into. I just want to say that you have run into a friend here. We got a little path here, it's okay, no pressure. I see the chance you took, I've been there, I know the risk. I feel really at peace here now and hope we can have some good talks.

Got to rest just a bit now, this old body feels like it's been run over by a truck (I get that a lot) but I want to come back later and write some more.

Your friend,
Thanks for that (I wasn’t concerned about your intent. And a little flirting can be good for the soul.)

May you be well rested, friend.
Hi - I am new to the forum

Hi, I expect you can guess what religion I follow :)

I have been taught that Melchizedek is God (or YHVH)

Isn't that just an assumption? i.e. that he is God
We have "The King of Righteousness and King of Peace", and the Dead Sea Scrolls depict Melchizedek as an angel
[ created servant of the Lord God ].
Hi Stranger, thanks. I will check out the introduction board.

I always try to interpret scripture on a psychological level (spiritual psychology not materialistic psychology); and I don’t read stories as unfolding in a timeline (say an account of one’s entire life) but as individual teachings.

For me, angels are messengers (within our own being). An angel disturbs our mind and can be a desire we have, a dream of something we want to be or become, a hope or passion for life we have- which I see as all messages from God. An archangel would be a message on the level of intuition and Melchizedek in this story is called an angel although a high priest. I’d say the sacrifice is our very life (represented by the kid - or living creature, life itself or animating energy and we are that which is burned in the fires of life) and in the story, the current perception of self is let go of. Samson means sun, or sun child, which I would say symbolizes illumination- or a level of illumination that the individual gains when the understanding that one’s intuition is the personal communication between God and oneself. If taken seriously, that person will never be the same again. The wife is to not be defiled in the story. The wife is one’s consciousness- which is telling you that God is speaking to you, that your intuition is direction, teaching from God. The wife in the story is to be undefined which for me means that we must receive what our intuition is revealing to us without the input, information, facts of the outside world. (Christ is born of a virgin mother and Mary is born (Gospel of the Birth of Mary) as well from a mother who is kept in the holy temple undefiled by man.

Wow, look at you go. I like that intense stream of thought, I'm the same way once I can get the floodgates open. I tend to hold back quite a bit, but yes, this is pure fire you have here. Nothing more beautiful in the earthly realms than a strong, intelligent woman. You're quite a bit more intelligent than me (possibly off the charts smart) but what I lack in intelligence I make up for in heart and spirit.

Our ways of looking at things are a bit different, but that's a good thing, sort of an alchemy. People change each other into something else when those circumstances come together in which they can drop their defenses and care for one another. It's the love, always the love that does it. IMO, of course.

I used to be more analytical than I am now but at some point I started holding things more loosely and letting them breathe and live. I like the intimacy that God can bring to my life, the rawness, the immediacy, the heartbreak, the agony, even that feeling of being pain itself on two feet, sort of an exquisite suffering. See now, have to close that gate off now, it's too much.

I'm a sick and hurting puppy, but one thing about me is that when I know someone really loves me I would drop my defenses and let them run over me with a truck if they wanted, and then lie there as they throw it into reverse and back over me for good measure. :)
Hi, I expect you can guess what religion I follow :)

Isn't that just an assumption? i.e. that he is God
We have "The King of Righteousness and King of Peace", and the Dead Sea Scrolls depict Melchizedek as an angel
[ created servant of the Lord God ].

Hi there, because Melchizedek has no mother or father, is eternal and immortal, I am confident in the understanding that he is God, whether referred to as an angel or high priest. The only one I would give the title King of Righteousness and King of Peace to is God - however he is personified in scripture.

When I say God or YHVH, I am referring to Consciousness or Spirit- what I understand to be the Cause and Source of all creation.
Hi there, because Melchizedek has no mother or father, is eternal and immortal, I am confident in the understanding that he is God, whether referred to as an angel or high priest.

Yes, I understand.
One thing though .. I would not agree that angels or men are eternal. A created being cannot be eternal.

When I say God or YHVH, I am referring to Consciousness or Spirit- what I understand to be the Cause and Source of all creation.

Yes, again, I understand the concept. It is identical in nature to the one of Jesus being "God incarnate".
Basically then, you believe that Melchizedek is the Christian Jesus? .. [the third person of a trinity]
Yes, I understand.
One thing though .. I would not agree that angels or men are eternal. A created being cannot be eternal.

Yes, again, I understand the concept. It is identical in nature to the one of Jesus being "God incarnate".
Basically then, you believe that Melchizedek is the Christian Jesus? .. [the third person of a trinity]
Hi again, I don’t think angels are beings, but rather personifications of messages from God (messengers). Something that disturbed our mind such as a passion, dream, wish, what we hope to have or become.

Melchizedek is said to have no beginning nor end of days.

He would translate to being Jesus in the capacity of our high priest (within us).

I understand Jesus Christ to be the personification of Jehovah in the New Testament. He is the Son of God which brings forth and fills all creation (not a person). He is the divine essence or true self of every person who has ever been born in the world.
Hey, welcome to the board you newbies! Always good to get fresh blood in a place. I like it too that it is my thread that is taking off here. Lol! It's all fun to examine and think about. I understand the reasoning for thinking Melchizedek is God, but I don't think that is quite right. Yes the biblical description gives that impression, but it may be incomplete or flat out wrong in its assessment. I can get more info here, I had no idea Melchizedek would bring such interest. Fun stuff!
I don't know about you guys, but I think we need Thomas in here to straighten out all our baloney, lol.
..I don’t think angels are beings, but rather personifications of messages from God (messengers). Something that disturbed our mind such as a passion, dream, wish, what we hope to have or become.

Doesn't that go against the evidence? Angels have wings..

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

- Luke 2 -
Doesn't that go against the evidence? Angels have wings..

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

- Luke 2 -
Hey there, I don’t interpret the Bible literally; I see it as allegory and seek the psychological meaning. I see characters in scripture as personifications of consciousness.
Lol, I guess we've all put out our share! I know I have... :(