Why Do People Like To Talk About Their Spiritual Beliefs?


God Feeds the Ravens
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Why do people like to talk about their spiritual beliefs? Why do people want to talk about God -- not only 'believers' but also non-believers and even those who militantly oppose a belief in the divine?
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..judging how quiet it is atm, I'm not sure whether they do ;)

Religion is a part of society, and people might be curious, or have varying opinions?
It often used to go quiet here for days at a time without a single post.

Then usually @wil would post something to get the ball rolling again ...
What's the justification for the existence of a website like this one?
Why do people like to talk about their spiritual beliefs? Why do people want to talk about God -- not only 'believers' but also non-believers and even those who militantly oppose a belief in the divine?

Good morning from Far North Queensland Australia to you and all. :)

To me the answer is simple. All the Messengers of God have come with the elixer of the age, to give a Message for the redemption of all humanity, to warn us about what we will face if we turn away from God and unto our own selves.

All of us have been granted a free will choice to know and Love God and as such the Message is given in that light.

The way a Message is spread is by acceptance of that Message and that Acceptance comes with an obligation. Firstly one must live the life and secondly share the Message with all others.

In that process wisdom is required, because as Muhammad offered, there is no compulsion in religion.

I would have to admit that God is very merciful to allow us this path.

I am also amazed how easily people reject Messengers that say they are from God and have such a Message, especially when there is no logical reason to reject that message, apart from clinging to a former Name.

Regards Tony
Who reads? Who posts? Who cares? How does any of this matter?
What's the justification for the existence of a website like this one?

The justification is that people want the world to know that God is Love.

I have started a Forum, as the Baha'i Forum we used to use has had the moderator absent for quite some time. It is for just the same reason, I am not sure if anyone will visit.


That will not stop me visiting here, but I am sure you are well aware as to what Christ said to the Disciples. He told them to go and teach and if they entered a place that did not want to hear, dust of your sandals and move on.

So that's the issue. If Revelation from God is progressive and God as promised does keep sending Messages, that is obviously the issue. We have many Faiths that are yet to embrace their brothers and sisters from all other Faiths.

When no more can be offered, when one is silenced by the response, then silence is what all Messengers chose when delivering the original Message.

There is no compulsion in religion.

Regards Tony
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Who reads? Who posts? Who cares? How does any of this matter?

It matters that God is in your heart and that you wish to share what God has inspired in your own self.

The quandary is that, that same inspiration is the foundation of all of God's Messages.

There is only One God, so why would we make our Faith exclusive, as the only path?

The gate to God is where all paths take us. The defining moment of our life is when we are shown that gate.

Regards Tony
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When we were in our twenties we were still intensely concerned with spiritual conversations. Who's interested in that sort of stuff in 2021?
Of course there isn't. But who even cares? We're mostly in our sixties. How relevant is this website?

It is relevant to our Love of God and the efforts we take to disperse that Love between each other.

Baha'u'llah warned of these times, of the oppression materialism would raise. Baha'u'llah said these would be very hard times, and I am sure you are aware the Bible also warned us.

Reminds me of the Tale of Two Cities, the famous opening line.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

That is why a Message of God in the Bible is called a Woe. How many Woes since Jesus?

3, and Therin is a quandary for all people.

Regards Tony
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When we were in our twenties we were still intensely concerned with spiritual conversations. Who's interested in that sort of stuff in 2021?

It is all about education. Consider, as mankind moves away from God and starts implementing man's wisdom and not God's wisdom, then what we teach our children becomes reflected in this world.

Many people have embraced materialism, but at the same time still think they are strong in Faith. By Materialism is meant all that is not of God.

Regards Tony
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And 'the religious' aren't making a very good impression by their overall presentation and behaviour? Not leading greatly by example, shall we say!
And 'the religious' aren't making a very good impression by their overall presentation and behaviour? Not leading greatly by example, shall we say!

Just let it flow my brother, stay with it to the end. There's no longer any religious, just flesh, spirit, angels and demons. And God. Don't forget the only truly free agent in all of this. Things in the spiritual realm just use all kinds of veils, things are not always as they seem.
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And 'the religious' aren't making a very good impression by their overall presentation and behaviour? Not leading greatly by example, shall we say!

I personally see that it is when people do not practice their Faith, is when that becomes and issue.

Many do not consider this is applicable to their own self.

I Never Knew You
Matthew 7:21 to 23 "21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’"

Regards Tony
Why do people like to talk about their spiritual beliefs? Why do people want to talk about God -- not only 'believers' but also non-believers and even those who militantly oppose a belief in the divine?
Speaking for myself, because I'm looking for people who can recognize what I'm talking about, and whose posts spark recognition in me. It gets lonely otherwise.
Why do people like to talk about their spiritual beliefs? Why do people want to talk about God -- not only 'believers' but also non-believers and even those who militantly oppose a belief in the divine?

I'm not exactly sure why, but I do know it has always been true of me. Even when I was an atheist, religion fascinated me. I would always perk up with keen interest whenever I heard anyone mention the subject.

Religion relates things that matter in our daily lives to things of cosmic and eternal significance. In that light, there might be something wrong with you if you didn't find it interesting.
These are difficult times for people who believe in 'a higher power' to try to argue science against professionals. It ends with embarrassing mental gymnastics. Scriptural literalism does not meet reality these days?
These are difficult times for people who believe in 'a higher power' to try to argue science against professionals. It ends with embarrassing mental gymnastics. Scriptural literalism does not meet reality these days?

Reminded me of a quote I just put on another forum. This is what Baha'u'llah offered the world would face;

"What “oppression” is more grievous than that a soul seeking the truth, and wishing to attain unto the knowledge of God, should know not where to go for it and from whom to seek it? For opinions have sorely differed, and the ways unto the attainment of God have multiplied. This “oppression” is the essential feature of every Revelation. Unless it cometh to pass, the Sun of Truth will not be made manifest. For the break of the morn of divine guidance must needs follow the darkness of the night of error. For this reason, in all chronicles and traditions reference hath been made unto these things, namely that iniquity shall cover the surface of the earth and darkness shall envelop mankind."

To me that describes it all in a nutshell.

Regards Tony
Scriptural literalism does not meet reality these days?

Has it ever? :)
That is why we need an all round knowledge of the world.
Both humanities and science have a part to play.

However, turning away from scripture leads to spiritual blindness.
Religious knowledge is the most important of all, but is not exclusive.