Ross S Marshall

Ross S Marshall

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Hello; My name is Ross S Marshall. I am an historian, mythographer and devout believer in the Biblical Lord, the one whom we call (H,Y,J)IeSus Christos, and a student of the greatest modern day Biblical Monogenetic Mythographer, Dr. John D Pilkey, specializing in Biblical history. I worked in the arts and entertainment industry in Hollywood during the 80s, studied history in college, obtained an Associates Degree in the Social Sciences, and am finishing a BA degree in at Western Washington University. My favorite subject is what this thread is about - the meaning of mythology and what one can obtain from mythology for composing history.
EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

Mythology is the greatest motivating source for studying all the classical arts and sciences. I am also a writer and a publisher with many publications on Amazon. My hopes and desires in this thread are to meet others interested in ancient history and have fun sharing the knowledge and enjoying and learning the opinions of others about mythology as related to history. For private communications I can be reached through my web site at
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Welcome to the forums, Ross! I love mythology but can receive it only as it is made real to me. Just like everything else I learn, it comes to me only as I need it (for survival, or for that next step in life). o_O Hope your stay here is a productive one.
Hi Ross :)

History, you say?
I'm interested in that, as long as I don't have to write / read too much.

I am a Muslim who found out about Islam in my 20's in Birmingham, UK.
Both my parents were English and I was raised as a Christian.
Welcome, Ross! Thanks for the detailed introduction. I'm not a believer in God, but I grew up in and around multiple faiths and countries, and live in an interfaith relationship.

Here's to many good interfaith discussions!
I am a Muslim.... I was raised as a Christian.

Cool, dude. I have a good friend who is a smart synergists, a Muslim and Christian. He seems to read Arabic a little and know a little Aramaic?., and says if folks knew a little about this, and not the status quo interpretation, they could see how to put back together the Sacred THREE, Judaism, Christianity, and Muslimism (Islam)- seems they came in series for some Divine reason. He see no conflict between Jesus and Christianity, and Islam - (Yea!), "AFTER" you scrap the B__S off of BOTH and get down to the simple truths. But no matter, WELCOME to my Thread. I Am a "Biblical Universalist and care less the religion - ALL are given Grace and on a single BUT Varied path that leads back to GODHEAD and with GOD, through the aupices of the Sacred Man, Yahshua, whoever and whatever he was????
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Welcome, Ross! Thanks for the detailed introduction. I'm not a believer in God, .....
Here's to many good interfaith discussions!

Thank so much for the nice "Hello, from a friendly opposite. I know a lot of people who cant believe in the contemporary definition of God. Most churches if not all are in complete apostacy, deaf, dumb, blind, haters of "seeking much council" and prefer their Babylonianism. I'm a stone cold (Oooops, ,"Warm Hearted") Scripture Academic, believer, but different that "Orthodoxy". I'm a Bib. Universalist. This god-thing, does seem 99.9% not-existant. But that .001% taps me on the mental-spiritual shoulder and is telling me, "You didn't screw it up, Ross, cuz I let someone else screw it up." It;s not your fqault and your free to be my friend with immunity. :eek:) Since no one has exact same view of Him (It?) and since "IT" does not consider PERCENTAGES, then someone who's 99% sure he knows the truth, and another one 99% sure he doesn't, or thinks he does --- well, the confusion out there is so bad, that GOD would have to be regarded to TRUST the individual with mak9ing the right eternal decision. So, in my Univerdsalist position, HE made the decision for ALL of us, asking nothing in return. IF someone prefers to KNOW him, fine. If not, fine - one day we ALL will 100% know and ALL our tears will be wiped away- Well this is after selfish bastards pay back all the screw jobbings do to his fellow man. i.e. This Country is headed for judgement and damn fast too. Keep posting- I love ya, buddy. Ross