Always a pleasure. Sometimes I worry if I'm a bit 'severe' or unfriendly? Please give me a dig in the ribs if so. I can be combative ... I blame my Gaelic genes.
I am of the impression that we are revolving around some point, be it an Infinite Point (whatever that might be; my mind has yet to inform me) ... no, park that one for the moment ... we are each one part of a binary star, and when you say mind I mean theos, and vice versa.
I suppose my reaction to mind is initially a protection against a purely mechanistic view of mind as emerging from some organic process, tending as I do to regard mind as the first principle in all things – the Logos of all things.
We can dance together on the head of this pin, but I found this quote from David Bentley Hart
"There is a point then, arguably, at which being and intelligibility become conceptually indistinguishable. It is only as an intelligible order, as a coherent phenomenon (sensible or intellectual), that anything is anything at all, whether an elementary particle or a universe; perhaps it is true that only what could in principle be known can in actuality exist."
The Experience of God — Being Consciousness Bliss, David Bentley Hart. My copy has escaped my bookshelf, so Ill need to track it down for a page reference, but in the meantime, there's a host of subsequent references
to be found here which might spark something off.)
Indeed, theos is pure in the sense of undifferentiated – it's the 'void' that is not a vacuum, but the totality of all possibility and which is above all forms, which is why I always hesitate to give Mind priority because Mind suggests Form to me, although I see, even as I type, that Mind must transcends its content, therefore Mind is above and prior to all the Forms it contains ... which is a roundabout way of saying yes, I agree ... I think.
But please don't sell Logos short, as Word can unintentionally reduce its ambiguity... but in that sense Theos is unintelligible, incomprehensible, whereas Logos is just intelligible, even if undifferentiated.
In Theos is the absolute fullness but nothing to perceive ...
Oh, for sure. God (Theos) is always the Invisible God, always transcendent, or rather, being infinite, there is no boundary, no horizon. Logos is God Visible in act.
Logos always invites to that boundless horizon ...