From the interwebs


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a figment of your imagination
I know there are those of you that will believe I look at the passages on the web as similar as I do with Scripture...finding gems amongst the grains of salt. Veracity is not my concern it is the allegory, the parable within.

....Several years ago I invited a Buddhist monk to speak to my Senior elective class, and quite interestingly, as he entered the room, he didn't say a word (that caught everyone's attention). He just walked to the board and wrote this: "EVERYONE WANTS TO SAVE THE WORLD, BUT NO ONE WANTS TO HELP MOM DO THE DISHES." We all laughed. But then he went on to say this to my students:

"Statistically, it's highly unlikely that any of you will ever have the opportunity to run into a burning orphanage and rescue an infant. But, in the smallest gesture of kindness -- a warm smile, holding the door for the person behind you, shoveling the driveway of the elderly person next door -- you have committed an act of immeasurable profundity, because to each of us, our life is our universe."

This is my hope for you for the New Year -- that by your smallest acts of kindness, you will save an other's world.
This was recently posted on my LiveJournal feed:

What's ironic is that Leonard Nimoy succumbed to COPD from smoking cigarettes!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine