What is the LHP?

'Amir Alzzalam

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The philosophy I accept as the Left Hand Path is the practice of non-union with the objective universe (Nature/God/Absolute, etc.), a way of isolating consciousness within our subjective universe(s) and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to increasingly perfect levels. The objective universe is then made to harmonize itself with the Will of the individual psyche instead of the other way around.

Throughout history, many cultures have regarded left-handedness as evil. This tendency can be seen in the etymology of words such as sinister, which in Latin means both "left" and "unlucky." Consequently, the left hand has often symbolized the rejection of traditional religion, which is most often characterized by the Right-Hand Path. The distinction most likely is that the Right-Hand Path is the path to (or communication with) a different plane of existence, whereas the Left-Hand Path is the path to (or communication with) this plane of existence.

"The right-hand path is that which seeks a union or merger between jivatman, the individual self or soul and the paramatman, the supreme or universal soul. The left-hand path seeks only to differentiate the jivatman, articulate, individuate, evolve and immortalize it - without ever consciously seeking to merge it permanently with anything else."

"The true lords of the left-hand path have dwelled in the world at all times in all places and can not be limited to any time or geographical area."

Dr. Stephen Flowers
'Lords of the Left Hand Path'

The LHP's foundation is in Eastern Vedic beliefs such as Vamachara and Shaivism. It is found in the adherents of the Egyptian Set, specific Norse faiths, heretical Arab Sufi sects, a form of LHP Buddhism, and of course in modern Satanism, Luciferianism, and Sinisterism.
These all share certain common traits – apathy towards cultural norms/values (antinomianism/heterodoxy), a high respect for subjective experience, and perhaps most importantly, a focus on the Individual Self, as something isolated and unnatural from the objective universe, a.k.a the Isolate Consciousness. These tenets are actualized through various magico-spiritual and internal practices, Jungian Individuation, Majiq/Ritual, various self-disciplines (meditation, yoga, martial arts etc.), and the Arts.

Qualities of the Left Hand Path
The value of the advancement and preservation of the self while seeking to become a divinity or beholds one's self as such already.

The conviction that:
  • Individuals can become (or already are) akin to gods
  • There is no such thing as a selfless act
  • The individual is preeminent
  • That all decisions should be made with the goal of cultivating the self
  • Each individual is responsible for his or her own happiness, and that no external force will provide this
  • The forces of the Objective Universe can be harnessed to one's personal Will
  • Power gained and wielded in such a manner is an aid to enlightenment, to self-satisfaction, and to self-deification
Is there an afterlife progression of the individual soul, or doesn't it matter what I do when I'm around because when I die, time dies, the universe ceases to exist -- for me?
Is there an afterlife progression of the individual soul, or doesn't it matter what I do when I'm around because when I die, time dies, the universe ceases to exist -- for me?
Of course there are various LHP beliefs and I can only speak for myself. The LHP philosophy I accept is that we (adherents of the LHP) seek to disassociate our psyche from the natural universe and anything similar to the All/God/Absolute/Brahman etc. and work towards designing and evolving, through various ritual practices, our individual, personal subjective universe to which we transfer our seat of consciousness into, thus making us the God of that Universe.

This resistance to absolving the self into the Absolute is the basis of such occult structures as the Judaic Tree of Daath/Qliphoth and the ideals behind furthering the Fall of the Tree of Life because it is an imperfect Tree and in its place, a new and perfected Tree (that of your subjective universe with you as god) is nurtured. There is a similar philosophy in Eastern Vedic Vamachara and Shaivism.
Welcome again to the forums! I consider myself more of an empty-hand path person, if you forgive the pun, but I sympathise with some of what you are saying.

However, lumping in the ancient Egyptian worship of Set with Eastern Tantra and modern Western Satanism is, to my understanding, overgeneralizing the term "LHP".

I'd love to get into a nerdfest over the details!

Set was a respected deity for a large part of Egyptian history, but became associated with a dynasty of foreign rule (the Hyksos) and thus fell out of favor. There are a couple of different schools of modern Satanism, I see a difference between religious Satanism of the Church of Satan, and the politically oriented Satanism of the Satanic Temple, which is more aking to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in being a "trolling for civil rights" kind of operation (very skillful trolling, for a worthy cause, in my opinion). So to equate Egyptian Set worship with either of these groups is a bit vague.
Welcome again to the forums! I consider myself more of an empty-hand path person, if you forgive the pun, but I sympathise with some of what you are saying.

However, lumping in the ancient Egyptian worship of Set with Eastern Tantra and modern Western Satanism is, to my understanding, overgeneralizing the term "LHP".

I'd love to get into a nerdfest over the details!

Set was a respected deity for a large part of Egyptian history, but became associated with a dynasty of foreign rule (the Hyksos) and thus fell out of favor. There are a couple of different schools of modern Satanism, I see a difference between religious Satanism of the Church of Satan, and the politically oriented Satanism of the Satanic Temple, which is more aking to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in being a "trolling for civil rights" kind of operation (very skillful trolling, for a worthy cause, in my opinion). So to equate Egyptian Set worship with either of these groups is a bit vague.

The oldest form of the Prince of Darkness, the archetype of Isolate Intelligence, is the Egyptian god Set, whose Priesthood can be traced to predynastic times. Images of Set have been dated to ca.3200 BCE, with astronomically-based estimates of inscriptions dating to 5000 BCE. Set’s original name meant “cutter” or “Isolator” - he is the personification of the process of initiation- of becoming more and more your own self. Setians do not pray to Set, nor does he care about their day-to-day lives. Setians emulate Set, and further the process of individuation and Initiation in this world. Set is a complex figure, a much better role model than the limited figure of the Judeo-Christian Satan. Satan, the archetype of the rebel against cosmic injustice, may be where many people begin the lifelong process of Initiation, but he is too small a symbol for the richness of the Left Hand Path.

The Egyptian god Set went through periods of immense popularity alternating with total denunciation. Set in the predynastic and archaic periods was an essentially positive deity introduced from the east as a god of the “extension” of “existence“. He is therefore god of “expanding” borders and radical changes of being, particularly birth, circumcision/ initiation, death in battle, and rebirth through the Opening of the Mouth ceremony.

The most recent blooming of Setian philosophy began in the nineteenth century with certain archaeological discoveries, but it reached a visible stage in 1975 C.E. when Dr. Michael Aquino invoked the Prince of Darkness to seek his advice. On the Solstice 1975, the Prince of Darkness revealed himself to Dr. Aquino as Set. Aquino and most of the Priesthood of the Church of Satan founded the Temple of Set, and he served as the first of its three High Priests.
Thanks for the explanation.

All right, on to the East, where "Left Hand Path" is basically a synonym for "Tantra", which again can be understood as the more esoteric lineages of the Eastern religions. Tantra is part of the accepted, mainstream religions in the East: Siddhanta, Shakta, Kashmir Shaivism, which are schools of Hinduism; Vajrayana and Shingon Buddhism, and so on. (And in esoteric Buddhism, at least, there are rules and hierarchies and laws and precepts and masters and gurus to make a Western individualist despair of the LHP) Unlike in the West, where the Temple of Set, say, is *not* an accepted part of any Christian denomination.

You mention initiatory teachings in the context of LHP currents, but on the other hand ;) there are initiatory traditions in "Right Hand" Western and Eastern traditions as well, so this is not unique to LHP.

This resistance to absolving the self into the Absolute is the basis of such occult structures as the Judaic Tree of Daath/Qliphoth and the ideals behind furthering the Fall of the Tree of Life because it is an imperfect Tree and in its place, a new and perfected Tree (that of your subjective universe with you as god) is nurtured. There is a similar philosophy in Eastern Vedic Vamachara and Shaivism.

Regarding the Qlipot I only know the Jewish legend that God, in order to allow individual free will, retracted some of his light and stored it in vessels, which were too weak to hold the holy light it in the long run, and the empty shells of the shattered vessels are the Qlipoth (and the spilled drops or sparks of light ended up in each of us) You are hinting at a system which incorporates these somehow? As counterparts to the sephirot? Do they form a hierarchy, too?

If a follower of the LHP strives to become deified, at the top of a tree of life themselves - does that not imply laws and order rather than antinomianism? Asking as Devil's advocate here, would such an establishment of a new and better hierarchy not merely invite the next round of revolution? Long live the new god, same as the old one?

(edited for clarification)
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Thanks for the explanation.

All right, on to the East, where "Left Hand Path" is basically a synonym for "Tantra", which again can be understood as the more esoteric lineages of the Eastern religions. Tantra is part of the accepted, mainstream religions in the East: Siddhanta, Shakta, Kashmir Shaivism, which are schools of Hinduism; Vajrayana and Shingon Buddhism, and so on. (And in esoteric Buddhism, at least, there are rules and hierarchies and laws and precepts and masters and gurus to make a Western individualist despair of the LHP) Unlike in the West, where the Temple of Set, say, is *not* an accepted part of any Christian denomination.

You mention initiatory teachings in the context of LHP currents, but on the other hand ;) there are initiatory traditions in "Right Hand" Western and Eastern traditions as well, so this is not unique to LHP.
Definitely initiatory traditions as well on the RHP versions of Eastern Vedic religions.

Regarding the Qlipot I only know the Jewish legend that God, in order to allow individual free will, retracted some of his light and stored it in vessels, which were too weak to hold the holy light it in the long run, and the empty shells of the shattered vessels are the Qlipoth (and the spilled drops or sparks of light ended up in each of us) You are hinting at a system which incorporates these somehow? As counterparts to the sephirot? Do they form a hierarchy, too?

If a follower of the LHP strives to become deified, at the top of a tree of life themselves - does that not imply laws and order rather than antinomianism? Asking as Devil's advocate here, would such an establishment of a new and better hierarchy not merely invite the next round of revolution? Long live the new god, same as the old one?

(edited for clarification)
Crowley's concept of the Black Brother is a good example. In his system (Thelema) when the adept crosses the abyss, he must surrender everything, including his Self and his Holy Guardian Angel, and leap into the Abyss, and if his ego or Self is completely destroyed, he becomes a “babe of the abyss”. If he does not destroy his ego, then he is referred to as a “Black Brother of the LHP”.

"Pathworking the Qliphothic Tree of Daath is relative to diving into the depths of the Infernal Realms from which the unconscious mind opens to. Archetypal structures are envoked and their primordial essence (ka) is embraced and brought into the self. Here we are turning poison into beneficial medicine. Through entering the tunnels connecting the Qlipha, the Mystai experiences several states of Liberation from the objective universe while preserving and strengthening one’s isolate, psychocentric existence against it (OU). The final outcome is one of Majiqal Birth (Autotheism), the process of Dark Alchemy where the Mystai gives birth to Hir Self."
From 777 (Texts of H☿D)

Those of us who work with the Tree of Daath see the Tree of Life as an imperfect tree, one which needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
Thantifaxath is Tunnel 22, between Nahemoth and Gamaliel, this tunnel or its Sephirothic equivalent does not exist in the original perfect Tree of Life before the Fall. This is the path down to the material level from the astral plane. On the original perfect Tree of Life before the Fall neither Malkuth, Nahemoth, or the material plane existed. Only when Daath fell from its original location was the material plane born. This is the cosmic force Shakti which is manifested as Maya, the mother of illusions and duality. Sofia Shakti represents the knowledge Daath which is manifested from vision to reality through force and action. This tunnel represents the stage when an idea finally is manifested on the material plane.

The Left Hand Path adherent seeks self-deification and the continued collapse of this imperfect Tree. This symbolizes the alchemy of destroying the old self (Nigredo) and allowing something new to arise in its place. It is the concept of the Phoenix in its entirety. Daath exists on the perfect Tree and there is no Malkuth, after the Fall Daath becomes an empty space, straddling the Abyss and Malkuth is created. The Abyss, also known as Masak Mavdil, can be likened to a river that separates the darkest center of the underworld from the surrounding parts. The Abyss is a dimension from where all Time began, where all things manifest. It is the Egyptian concept of Sep Tepy.

Architecturally speaking; the original Tree of Life did not contain the material world known as Malkuth, instead, Daath existed, united by paths with Kether (above), Chokmah, Binah, Geburah, and Tiphareth (below). When the Tree collapses Daath falls from the highest triad and creates the Abyss where all the previous connections are now cut off. This causes all of the other paths and Sephira to change direction as well. The three lower paths correspondingly fall downward, the lowest creating the Material World Malkuth.

Crowley's concept of the Black Brother is a good example. In his system (Thelema) when the adept crosses the abyss, he must surrender everything, including his Self and his Holy Guardian Angel, and leap into the Abyss, and if his ego or Self is completely destroyed, he becomes a “babe of the abyss”. If he does not destroy his ego, then he is referred to as a “Black Brother of the LHP”.
Do you include Crowley's teachings among the LHP then? Because of his transgressive (to his time and place) imagery and sexual preferences? He seems to be arguing against the isolate, psychocentric approach, if I understand everything correctly? I'm referring to texts like his https://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib156.htm Liber Cheth which call for total surrender of the self to "the wrath of god, the grace of god".

Do you agree with Crowley's characterization of the Black Brothers?
"Pathworking the Qliphothic Tree of Daath is relative to diving into the depths of the Infernal Realms from which the unconscious mind opens to. Archetypal structures are envoked and their primordial essence (ka) is embraced and brought into the self. Here we are turning poison into beneficial medicine. Through entering the tunnels connecting the Qlipha, the Mystai experiences several states of Liberation from the objective universe while preserving and strengthening one’s isolate, psychocentric existence against it (OU). The final outcome is one of Majiqal Birth (Autotheism), the process of Dark Alchemy where the Mystai gives birth to Hir Self."
From 777 (Texts of H☿D)

(to be really picky, and unrelated to the content of this text - isn't "mystai" the plural form, singular being "mystes"?)

How is dark Alchemy different from plain regular Alchemy? Disclaimer: I know very little about either form. Would @Ella S be willing to give her views on the matter?
<p>Do you include Crowley's teachings among the LHP then? Because of his transgressive (to his time and place) imagery and sexual preferences? He seems to be arguing against the isolate, psychocentric approach, if I understand everything correctly? I'm referring to texts like his https://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib156.htm Liber Cheth which call for total surrender of the self to "the wrath of god, the grace of god".

Do you agree with Crowley's characterization of the Black Brothers?
We feel Crowley's concept of the LHP and the Black Brothers is wrong. We also consider Crowley and Thelema to be a very dark version of the RHP since the goal is to absolve into the Absolute.
(to be really picky, and unrelated to the content of this text - isn't "mystai" the plural form, singular being "mystes"?)

How is dark Alchemy different from plain regular Alchemy? Disclaimer: I know very little about either form. Would @Ella S be willing to give her views on the matter?
The term Mystai used is what we called ourselves in the Herald of the Dawn, from the Greek Mystery Schools meaning Initiate.
Here is the glamour and the end of it, imo:

It's got to be my own choice to enter that circle of nearly invisible dark fire. I cannot be pulled or pushed into it. It has to be my own willing choice -- for whatever reason, including curiosity or bravado.

But once inside the circle, and when I encounter the iron grip of the one whose name I have spoken, I will cry and beg in terror for help from outside. Best not to talk about him, for it is then that he comes.

One lucky enough to escape that terrible grip, by calling in time upon the higher name -- will run as hard as he can from it, and never again approach that evil place.

Be warned, and warn your children: Don't trifle with that grip. Walk a wide circle around that place
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Here is the glamour and the end of it, imo:

It's got to be my own choice to enter that circle of nearly invisible dark fire. I cannot be pulled or pushed into it. It has to be my own willing choice -- for whatever reason, including curiosity or bravado.

But once inside the circle, and when I encounter the iron grip of the one whose name I have spoken, I will cry and beg in terror for help from outside. Best not to talk about him, for it is then that he comes.

One lucky enough to escape that terrible grip, by calling in time upon the higher name -- will flee as far as he can run from it, and never again approach that evil place.

Be warned, and warn your children: Don't trifle with that grip. Walk a wide circle around that place
Sounds like an ill-conceived warning :oops:
The LHP calls on its Elect, not many make the conscious effort to tread this Path, and most who do soon find out the plethora of hard work entailed and abandon it.
"the iron grip of the one whose name I have spoken" . . . who might that be? :rolleyes:
For those of us truly on the LHP, there is very little 'glamour' to it, even fewer accolades. However, unlike other faiths, we are not expecting glamour and accolades.
We feel Crowley's concept of the LHP and the Black Brothers is wrong. We also consider Crowley and Thelema to be a very dark version of the RHP since the goal is to absolve into the Absolute.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I thought you counted him among LHP teachers.
So how is the spiritual life lived on the Left Hand Path? Do you have organization, groups, temples, priests, liturgies, festivals, that sort of thing? Teachers and Students? Or is it a solitary path?
So how is the spiritual life lived on the Left Hand Path? Do you have organization, groups, temples, priests, liturgies, festivals, that sort of thing? Teachers and Students? Or is it a solitary path?
There are a plethora of LHP organizations from around the world. Some are theistic, others non-theistic. Many organizations have smaller divisions within, degree structures/clergy, scripture, get-togethers. Very much like any other belief system. However, most of the spiritual and non-spiritual work is done individually.
Are you a member of such a group?
Are you a member of such a group?
Let's see . . . I am an ex-member of the Temple of Set, a Magus III° of the Ordo Luciferi, one of the Hierophants from the Herald of the Dawn, a current member of the Sect of the Horned God and founder of the Order of Iblis in that same organization.