Dear Sacredstar,
As I said before, I don't think it's right to blindly deny the possibility of life after death. It certainly
is possible, and nobody can-at least at this point in time-disprove it sufficiently.
But when it comes to the question of why I'm here, personally...the fact is there may not be a reason at all. There might not be a higher purpose in anything, including my being an (arguably) sentient creature. There's no way to know for sure.
As for Jesus, Mary Magdeline etc., of course I respect your ideas in this matter, but I think not everyone will agree with your views on the events surrounding these people or their reasons for being. I happen believe, as you do, that they were actual people (another point of dispute among many

) and that they were visionaries, perhaps with some measure of divinity in them.
Maybe not...Who knows? Again, I don't know if their existance can be taken as absolute proof that everyone who hapens to be of our species will continue to maintain their sense of self and their "essence" or "soul" once they've ceased to be among the living.
I'm not saying it's impossible, in fact it's quite possible

I'm saying simply that it's also just as possible that it's not applicable to everyone, as in reincarnation, esp, and other paranormal activity.
I'm sure you'd agree that not everyone who dies becomes a spirit trapped between two states of existance? We can't expect everyone to end up ghosts, and likewise, I believe, we can't expect them to reincarnate, or move on to whatever the next level may be (if there is one), or cease to exist altogether. I think it depends on the conditions surrounding the person's death as much as the individual's nature.
I could be wrong of course. I guess I'll find out when it's all said and done. hehe