Yes, I agree.
I have found that I can communicate my relation to portions of my subjective experience quite well using religious or mythological language.
So the bits of me that I can talk about in terms of spirits and other mythological beings, I have to problems at all talking about in such terms. I've had dreams of fiery beings, so it is apt to use the language we have about the Djinn. I have deep-seated habits or complexes which I can trace back to some of my ancestors, and I find it useful to use the vocabulary of ancestor cults to address these.
I don't use such terms exclusively, and not in order to reify any Djinn or ancestors, but in order to not have to talk about things in such circuitous ways as to make no sense at all.
It is in this sense that I am communicating with you about the Djinn here. You proposed a design of a device to evoke Djinn. Solomon had his ring and his staff. People use Ghost Boxes and Ouija boards for similar purposes.
Let's talk about the Howling Gateway. How to operate it? How to interact with the Djinn one dials up through it?
I'll preface this with:
There is a lot to consider in regards to things/entities existing outside of our perceived dimensions. We live in 4 dimensions and the 4th (Time/Space) affects us and we are capable of perceiving both time & space. This would move the concept of spiritual creatures into one of the 6 other dimensions outside of our perception.
Imagine two people living in only 2 dimensions, they can move up/down & left/right, this is their perceived world. If someone in the 3rd dimension (depth) were to reach down and pick up one of the 2D people, the other 2D man would only see his friend disappear, he wouldn't comprehend what just happened because he can't. That may be our experience with other dimensional things, such as spiritual creatures/djinn.
There is also the concept in Quantum Mechanics that our conscious awareness 'creates' or at least alters Reality. This is demonstrated with the Double-Slit Theory where atomic particles behave one way when not being observed, and they behave in another way when we physically observe them.
In this respect, we could say that 'we' create our paranormal experiences by 'looking' for those experiences. This theory comes into play especially when Karcists summon spiritual creatures or how malevolent spirits are enabled to enter into someone's mind (possession).
Solomon had his ring and his staff. People use Ghost Boxes and Ouija boards for similar purposes. Let's talk about the Howling Gateway. How to operate it? How to interact with the Djinn one dials up through it?
Solomon's Ring is used to 'control' a spiritual creature not summon it. The Triangle of Arte and Circle is used for that.
Ghost boxes are new, and IMO stupid. The Ouija is for fun.
I'm not in the position to explain the operation of the Eawayl Madkhal other than it is used basically the same way as the Circle & Triangle.
Through extended ritual work the Karcist (summoner) creates a sense of spiritual agency where an aspect of the mind is tapped into resulting in communication with the Karcist's unconscious mind. Working with djinn, IMO incorporates one's Will, Desire, & Belief in their mythos in order to bring them into conscious awareness and objective reality. A Bæytl is used to house them. A Bæytl is the original form of Solomon's vessel and closer to the Arabic concept of a 'genie lamp'. I use an Obscura Speculum (black mirror), and several types of containers for my Bæytl. Once a spiritual creature is welcomed into an appropriate Bæytl, it can be used as a portal for further communication.
Originally, a spiritual creature would be summoned into what is called a Bæytl, which is defined as a 'sacred stone that was endowed with the life of, or gave access to the spiritual creature.' Whereas an external Bætyl can still be used, it is far more efficient and beneficial to the Karcist to 'Become' the Bætyl by conditioning their body and mind over a lengthy disciplined period of spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, purifications, and Jungian Shadow Work.
Baetyls are sacred objects in pre-Islamic Arabian religion, occurring usually as an oddly shaped stone, uncut block, rock formation or meteorite which the Arabs and other Semitic peoples believed was inhabited by a jinn or a deity. This form of animism has even survived in modern Islam with the Black Stone of Mecca although the mythology of the stone has become Islamized. To the pagan Arabians, these objects were known interchangeably as nusub ( pl. ansab), simply meaning "stone" or Baytu-Ilah, meaning "House of the Deity". Contrary to later Islamic belief, worship was not directed to the physical object itself, but to the god or spirit believed to inhabit it. The Semites of Palestine and Syria knew these objects as Beth-El, introducing them to the Greeks and Romans as Baetylus.
كتاب العواء في ليلة الصحراء
Kitab Eawa' fi Laylat Alsahra'
The Book of Howling in the Desert Night
'Amir Alzzalam