Rumi and the Sufis


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Quite a fan of Rumi, Hafiz, the Sufi poets and Sufism.

Also, the writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan.

He was interesting. His daughter joined the British Army during WWII, directly to demonstrate the loyalty of Muslims to the crown.

She became a spy, going behind enemy lines. He was caught, tortured and executed.

She became an honored war hero in Britain.
The Inayati order is interesting, in that it basically dropped the requirement to be a Muslim. I visited their sanctuary in the Netherlands once, a long time ago.

How do you read Rumi's poems, with a Muslim frame of reference in mind?
Well, my wife and I are both published poets. And we both used to perform on the Spoken Word scene. So, I guess, even though not consciously aware, we read it as "poets," whatever that means. I am not quite sure, but I am guessing that is a profound context to reading the pieces.

I mean, we are very consciously aware of meter, alliteration, and the general music in the language.

So, I would have to say, our most conscious experience with the work is simply one of beauty. Perhaps like listening to a Beethoven sonata.

I think everything else comes after that.
Rumi was a great poet, agreed.

Meter, alliteration and so on would be the work of the translator, though?