Over 200 theology books!
Anyone interested? Offers invited.
Hello Thomas
Interesting story to tell. First off a few weeks ago when I read this post, I was just looking around this forum and stumbled into your thread here.
The thought of 200 books seems quite interesting to me, how is there so many of them on one subject?
I had a mind come up to me twice last night to ask questions. The first image, first dream was of this site. The second dream came several hours later.
In the second dream I was at this rummage sale looking through boxes of books I had on sale, trying to find two books I did not want to part with. The two books were small, perhaps 5”x7” inch. They were older books with a brownish red binding. The books had some pictures and notes in them something he stopped figuring out a long time ago.
The books could be any color and they might be normal size. The color and size can relate to other questions. A smaller book can mean you did not give them enough time and need to figure them out more. The color might have something to do with how one sees the books in their mind.
Thought of you and your book thread here and thought I would just mention this here. I know of no one else getting rid of a large number of books and thought to pass this on.
Just information, nothing more, you need not respond.
Edit: The books seemed to be a set of two, the way the mind showed this is they looked the same, everything about them.