Milledge Mosby on Lent...

This is a Lenten interpretation from the perspective of one Unity minister.

Comments welcomed.
Good old Butch. Always such an inspiration. He's a wonderful preacher. So peaceful and still. A man of God, imo

Thanks for posting :)
Professor by day, voracious reader, deep thinker, inquisitive mind and sense of humor makes a great weekend warrior preacher.

In church (something that hasnt happened live again yet) the ushers walk around with pen and paper for those they see that forgot to bring their notepads to church.

There was nothing like taking notes and writing down questions during church and then discussing nuance and more depth after church...with him and a third of the congregation for an hour of "ask the minister" after we broke for a snack and most

Those are now available to the folk that listen live...on zoom after the service (get your own snack fellowship hall

But what I really miss is weekend retreats with those that dug deeper...we delved into books or Ekhart tolle, thic that Khan, paramahansa yogananda, and such...
A sweet guy
God led you to him, imo
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A sweet guy
God led you to him, imo
My wife insisted that us two non religious parents needed to give the twins some sort of religious indoctrination...i went to another unity church near where I worked for a few weeks until someone there told us there was one where we lived "with a pretty good preacher". I liked the church and preacher where I went...first sermon was by a native American from a Lakota perspective. With various tapestries from world religions on the walls, I thought it awesome. The next week was Mahala, the regular minister quoting the bible and making connections to other religions or quoting other religions and making connections to scripture.

So different from my religious upbringing that I rejected.

And then I went to see Butch, 25 years in this rabbit hole!
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Lol, that makes 25 years of sermons on lent from him. Each year he goes back and reviews past years to see what understandings and viewpoints of his on the topic have changed. And how to integrate new insights while maintaining touch points for those who are new.

And everytime I have more questions.