Built another temple and burnt it.


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a figment of your imagination
Burning man style..

The Temple of Confluence.

The merging of rivers oh, the merging of thought. We built a temple with a wall. To discuss separation, separation of our thought separation of people. In the wall there we're ways to look at the other side, see through to the other side oh, but maybe not understand the other side. In the center there was an Alcove where you were asked to consider truth Justice, freedom Etc

We built it, a few hundred people enjoyed it, they wrote thoughts and quotes and memories all over it, and then we burned it.

Impermanence, contemplation, and Unity Church we have a burning Bowl service I find the similarities intriguing, letting it all go up in smoke

Let It Go, peace to you all
Thanks for sharing that. Interesting ritual!

Reminds me of a meditation practice I've done, which is to build up a mental image of something, until it becomes autonomous, "out there", and can be interacted with to a degree. Takes a fair bit of concentration in a good setting, like a retreat. Then, once the image has these solid, autonomous qualities, one applies critical observation skills to it, which will dissolve it into the mental qualities it was made of.
Go on, admit it, you just like a bonfire! :D

But yes, so many resonances ... liturgical, alchemical, magical ...

My pagan pa-in-law used to burn the sunwheel at solstice, perform ceremonials at the sacred flame, send up wishes in rockets ... it's a language before language.
Burning man style..

The Temple of Confluence.

The merging of rivers oh, the merging of thought. We built a temple with a wall. To discuss separation, separation of our thought separation of people. In the wall there we're ways to look at the other side, see through to the other side oh, but maybe not understand the other side. In the center there was an Alcove where you were asked to consider truth Justice, freedom Etc

We built it, a few hundred people enjoyed it, they wrote thoughts and quotes and memories all over it, and then we burned it.

Impermanence, contemplation, and Unity Church we have a burning Bowl service I find the similarities intriguing, letting it all go up in smoke

Let It Go, peace to you all
What about if starting to burn own defilements within your selves which requires fist of all to get ride of the wall of the idea of "we" and unity of things compound, good wil. What about building walls out of virtue, so that works of own don't run out and possible demand and eat away others?
Did you celebrate your pyro this year? Or has it occurred yet?

:kitty:s need to know!

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
the main burn, Burning Man is over labor day weekend and I did not go... I have been to 3 other burns this year and will be to another in october.
What about if starting to burn own defilements within your selves which requires fist of all to get ride of the wall of the idea of "we" and unity of things compound, good wil. What about building walls out of virtue, so that works of own don't run out and possible demand and eat away others?
Check out the 10 principles of burning man...and the temples we build are used by participants in any way they see fit. Some use it as a place of prayer, of remembrance of lost friends, others leave mementos of friends, others write messages on the walls of the "defilements" they wish to release and send up in smoke.

We don't dictate the way they "should" use the temple art or their meditations...

You do you...don't "should" on me.
the main burn, Burning Man is over labor day weekend and I did not go... I have been to 3 other burns this year and will be to another in october.

Check out the 10 principles of burning man...and the temples we build are used by participants in any way they see fit. Some use it as a place of prayer, of remembrance of lost friends, others leave mementos of friends, others write messages on the walls of the "defilements" they wish to release and send up in smoke.

We don't dictate the way they "should" use the temple art or their meditations...

You do you...don't "should" on me.
If it leads to one's release...
If it leads to one's release...
Only the fettered need release. Sankara said:

ahaṃ nirvikalpo nirākārarūpo
vibhutvācca sarvatra sarvendriyāṇām .
na cāsaṅgataṃ naiva muktirna meyaḥ

I am without any variation, and without any form,
I am present everywhere as the underlying substratum of everything, and behind all sense organs,
Neither do I get attached to anything, nor get freed from anything,
Only the fettered need release. Sankara said:

ahaṃ nirvikalpo nirākārarūpo
vibhutvācca sarvatra sarvendriyāṇām .
na cāsaṅgataṃ naiva muktirna meyaḥ

I am without any variation, and without any form,
I am present everywhere as the underlying substratum of everything, and behind all sense organs,
Neither do I get attached to anything, nor get freed from anything,
What a nonsensical self-overestimation... A present unfettered... attached to himself and occupying everything...

That's a temple of confused conceit worthy to burn to gain release.

Good householder gains easier understanding be good investigating the body and form, to understand the nature of conditioned thing. Mind is much to slippery for a noninstructed person, even more hard to understand it.
What a nonsensical self-overestimation... A present unfettered... attached to himself and occupying everything...

That's a temple of confused conceit worthy to burn to gain release.

Good householder gains easier understanding be good investigating the body and form, to understand the nature of conditioned thing. Mind is much to slippery for a noninstructed person, even more hard to understand it.
You won't understand. You do not know Buddha. You are unenlightened (You are Tathagatagarbha - Tat twam asi). :D
Up in flames...


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Was Buddha fettered? He was a 'present' at one time.
The enlightened are not fettered. I, like Buddha, know both, here and hereafter.
Buddha, like Sankara, is my guru - a deadly combination. :D
It's certain not the Sublime Buddhas issue that good householder prefers Mara(na).

The Buddha condemned the Niganthas (Jains) as unworthy in ten respects:

they were (are) without faith, unrighteous, without fear and shame, they chose wicked men as friends, extolled themselves and disparaged others, were greedy of present gain, obstinate, untrustworthy, sinful in their thoughts, and held wrong views
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