Who dies?


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New Delhi, India
"Mrutyoh sa mrutyum gacchati ya eha nana iva pashyati" (Katha Upanishad)
(From death to death goes one who here sees many)

"yatra hi dvaitam iva bhavati, tad ittara ittaram pashyati;
yatra tu asya sarvam atma iva avabhoota, tat kena kam pashyet."

(Till duality exists, till then, one sees the other;
when all become self, then who sees whom.)

"Mayakhyayah kamadhenoh vatsau, jeeva Ishwara ubhau'
yatheccham pibatam dvaitam, tattvam tu advaita iva hi."

(The all-providing cow named 'maya' is said to have two calves, Self and God;
they both may drink as much milk as they want, but the reality is non-duality only.)

The divine cow Kamadhenu is supposed to provide any and all things on demand.
If you demand Self, it produces a self; if you demand God, it produces a God. :D
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I think therefor I am?

Objects in mind appear.in kind?

WYTAYBA- What you think about you bring about.

Seems to me much philosophy and modern phrasing comes from the essence of old texts reframed in the current vernacular.
I believe you are going to the good place, Aup
"Mrutyoh sa mrutyum gacchati ya eha nana iva pashyati" (Katha Upanishad)
(From death to death goes one who here sees many)

"yatra hi dvaitam iva bhavati, tad i...any and all things on demand.
If you demand Self, it produces a self; if you demand God, it produces a God. :D

As soon as death occurs, the soul leaves this earth in an energetic body. The physical Earth that we live on is called Martya Loka, which is the first sub-world of the first world, called Bhū Loka. Martya Loka is called Karma Loka, which means the world of deeds, since souls are meant to perform deeds here.

They are supposed to enjoy the fruits of their deeds in the other worlds, which are called Bhoga Lokas or worlds of enjoyment. After deathin the Martya Loka, the soul enters into the second sub-world of the Bhū Loka, called the Preta Loka. Preta Loka means the world of the dead. In that world, the soul faces the inquiry of its qualities and deeds for ten days. After those ten days, the soul leaves Preta Loka as said in the scripture “Itaḥ paraṁ preta śabdo nāsti”.

To indicate this, the priest throws away the stone representing the soul during the ritual on the tenth day. The soul then enters Naraka Loka or Pitṛ Loka. These two worlds are the third and fourth sub-worlds of Bhū Loka. Naraka Loka is hell where the soul enjoys the fruits of its sins. Pitṛ Loka, which is located on the moon, is a place meant for enjoying the fruits of the soul’s neutral deeds.

Most people live and perform deeds in the Martya Loka (earth) only for the sake of themselves and their family. They work expecting some benefit in return. Such self-centered people can only reach Pitṛ Loka. Pitṛ Loka means the world of ancestors since most of our dead ancestors reach this world.

But some souls, if they serve the public without aspiring for any fruit in return, can even enter the second world called Bhuvar Loka. Souls that have performed even higher meritorious deeds enter the third world called heaven or Suvar Loka. Preta Loka is right above Martya Loka. So, even though the soul has just completed its life in Martya Loka and is in Preta Loka, it has not gone far from the Martya Loka.

Due to the extreme closeness of Preta Loka with Martya Loka, the soul in Preta Loka canalmostbe considered to be still present in Martya Loka. This is the reason why people say that the soul is close to earth for ten days after the death of its body. The reality is that as soon as the person dies in Martya Loka,its soul in an energetic body enters the second sub-world, Preta Loka to face the inquiry for ten days.
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