Hope you don’t mind me posting my thoughts here?
For about the last 6 to 8 months, I have been trying to figure out these two minds. They are Marian’s and Terrians. I think I finally figured them out.
Marians are minds that teach you inside yourself many times over and over again, kind of like honey who shrunk the children kind of inside yourself.
What the hell am I talking about? God is everything inside himself this means that there is nothing outside himself. Let’s say god was here at this time on this planet trying to figure himself out and everything here.
Just a little more info here. Let’s say since god is not who we are he is who he is or himself only that in order for time or everything here to find time inside himself we all have to figure him out first.
Here is my epiphany. Let’s keep god out of this for a minute and think about a 12 x 12 x 12 foot room. Let’s fill the room with basket balls. Now the room cannot have time leftover(basketballs) out side itself. This is where Marian’s come in they teach these balls inside themselves to allow more basketballs. Ok then what? Well here’s the problem Marian’s have to compare this time to something that has the same, less then or equal time to it, in order to figure it out.
let’s then place a world inside the room, Marian’s then shrink the balls down to a point of minds equal to the amount of minds needed to form the basketballs, compared to the number of minds needed to form this planet. This process will continue over and over again until everything is inside the room.
A small sidetrack, inside of nothing here there are minds I encounter I call meatballs. The minds and time within the meatballs range in many sizes and shapes and items figured out. In order for the mind not to be a meatball means that the person or mind was not able to figure everything out he/she will never become something again till they can figure out all of the time remaining outside themselves.
inside gods mind there are no meatballs meaning he has figured everything out and it was able to become something. Now here is the part that is interesting what in gods mind did Marian’s use to compare all this time with if they could not figure god out. One more thing Marian’s teach you down to terrians or where nothing can be broken down any further. Terrians is as far inside yourself as you can go inside yourself, and Marian’s are now only outside yourself. Space is the most abundant thing in the universe that Marian’s can still figure out or we would be a very large meatball.
Understanding Marian’s may now help me move into black holes or other places to find time.
just some ramblings I thought I would share, perhaps I can find this so called dark matter or prove my own theory correct.