The Temple of The Heart


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Thou are the lightbringer onto thyself. Even if we walk in the darkness of having our eyes closed, and even if our ears hear only the silence, thou are the warrior and the lightbringer onto thyself. What your eyes can not see you will learn to perceive in the hall of learning, what your ears can not hear you will learn to understand in the hall of wisdom. What your heart can not comprehend you will find in the deepest ocean in the temple of the heart.

Dedicated to my brothers, my father and my ever so patient Guardian Angel.


As your car keys turn around in its socket you hear the slow and steadily fading sound of the engine, du,du,du,du,du…… and then the engine stops. The thunder is roaring outside and the rain is hailing down. You slam the door open and hit the tires with your foot. “Come on. Not again. You can do it”. In desperation you open the hood of the engine staring at the unfamiliar parts. The car refuses to give you a hint of what to do. You gaze for a shop or a store in the dark rainy night but can not find any. Far away in the distance is a light shining from a house. You are in the middle of nowhere so you leave the car and start walking in the shivering cold towards the house. Once there you see that the door is slightly open.

You do not hesitate but run inside the strange house. You get into a small hallway with a staircase on side of the room. You are faced with a strange statue of a Minoan bull at the entrance. It has obviously been broken because the head is glued back on the body with what seems to be meticulous care, with its cracks painted in a golden hue. There are also a lot of paintings on the wall, a beautiful man with a face that reminds you of someone from around the Mediterranean sea, an Indian man with dark brown eyes and an old lady with something mysterious in her eyes. As you continue to walk into the house there isn’t anyone in sight. A fireplace is burning and stop in front of it to heat yourself up. As you stand in front of it you look into the next room and you see an altar, a cross with Jesus Christ, a statue of the Buddha and a painting of Lord Krishna.

Everywhere you look it is clean and the walls are white. In the middle of the room with the fireplace there is a spiral staircase, around the staircase stands strange statues of men in stone, silent watchers that seem to have become immortalized in time and space. If you walk out into the hallway again you can see across to the kitchen. In the kitchen there is a feast of food served on the table as if someone was expecting guests. You sit down at the table and since you are very hungry eat a small bite of the grapes placed on the table. They taste amazingly good and you eat and eat and feel that you somehow become very very warm and cozy on the inside, and you don't have to eat much until you're full. You suddenly stop eating when you hear something from the second floor.

You stand up, walk out into the hallway and up the staircase where the sound comes from. In the corner of the room is a small girl sitting on the floor crying softly, her tears falling on her cheeks as if they were made of some kind of heavenly water. She holds something tightly in her hand against her heart. As you walk forward towards the girl you notice something strange. From her back are small white wings growing, she is sitting there like a little angel very disturbed, crying. She whispers softly in between her tears “ He came and then he just left, and then he came again, but now he is gone again.”

She holds up what she is holding in her hand towards you to show you. It is a playing card. And now you suddenly see, the rest of the cards are spread on the floor, and the little angel is holding up a very torn Ace of hearts. “He never told me the shape of his heart” The angel whispers and then she continues crying “ And I tried, I’ve really tried to find it, his heart, I mean, she sobs. “ This place was falling apart the second time he came back. But he is never around long enough” the little angel cried.

You suddenly realise that she is alone in this great big house and ask “ Where are your parents, little angel?”

“I do not have a mother and my father is always busy, he seldom comes home” The little one says. “He mostly just think I am a strange little being” she continues sobbingly, pointing at her wings. “But don’t you worry, I have the everlasting feast of food that never run out in the kitchen, and a bed to sleep in” she points into one of the adjoining rooms.

“But why are you crying little one?”

“I am mostly sad about my big brother, he just comes and goes and never stay long enough.”

She points at a painting on the wall of a mighty Elohim standing on the moon, holding the staff of caduceus in his hand surrounded by a glowing aura of shining sunlight. Underneath the painting there is a text inscribed. The texts reads:

In silence the Heaven and the Earth Began. In wisdom Elohim Creates. Thou are the lightbringers onto thyself.


It's beautiful
Thou are the lightbringer onto thyself. Even if we walk in the darkness of having our eyes closed, and even if our ears hear only the silence, thou are the warrior and the lightbringer onto thyself. What your eyes can not see you will learn to perceive in the hall of learning, what your ears can not hear you will learn to understand in the hall of wisdom. What your heart can not comprehend you will find in the deepest ocean in the temple of the heart.

Dedicated to my brothers, my father and my ever so patient Guardian Angel.


As your car keys turn around in its socket you hear the slow and steadily fading sound of the engine, du,du,du,du,du…… and then the engine stops. The thunder is roaring outside and the rain is hailing down. You slam the door open and hit the tires with your foot. “Come on. Not again. You can do it”. In desperation you open the hood of the engine staring at the unfamiliar parts. The car refuses to give you a hint of what to do. You gaze for a shop or a store in the dark rainy night but can not find any. Far away in the distance is a light shining from a house. You are in the middle of nowhere so you leave the car and start walking in the shivering cold towards the house. Once there you see that the door is slightly open.

You do not hesitate but run inside the strange house. You get into a small hallway with a staircase on side of the room. You are faced with a strange statue of a Minoan bull at the entrance. It has obviously been broken because the head is glued back on the body with what seems to be meticulous care, with its cracks painted in a golden hue. There are also a lot of paintings on the wall, a beautiful man with a face that reminds you of someone from around the Mediterranean sea, an Indian man with dark brown eyes and an old lady with something mysterious in her eyes. As you continue to walk into the house there isn’t anyone in sight. A fireplace is burning and stop in front of it to heat yourself up. As you stand in front of it you look into the next room and you see an altar, a cross with Jesus Christ, a statue of the Buddha and a painting of Lord Krishna.

Everywhere you look it is clean and the walls are white. In the middle of the room with the fireplace there is a spiral staircase, around the staircase stands strange statues of men in stone, silent watchers that seem to have become immortalized in time and space. If you walk out into the hallway again you can see across to the kitchen. In the kitchen there is a feast of food served on the table as if someone was expecting guests. You sit down at the table and since you are very hungry eat a small bite of the grapes placed on the table. They taste amazingly good and you eat and eat and feel that you somehow become very very warm and cozy on the inside, and you don't have to eat much until you're full. You suddenly stop eating when you hear something from the second floor.

You stand up, walk out into the hallway and up the staircase where the sound comes from. In the corner of the room is a small girl sitting on the floor crying softly, her tears falling on her cheeks as if they were made of some kind of heavenly water. She holds something tightly in her hand against her heart. As you walk forward towards the girl you notice something strange. From her back are small white wings growing, she is sitting there like a little angel very disturbed, crying. She whispers softly in between her tears “ He came and then he just left, and then he came again, but now he is gone again.”

She holds up what she is holding in her hand towards you to show you. It is a playing card. And now you suddenly see, the rest of the cards are spread on the floor, and the little angel is holding up a very torn Ace of hearts. “He never told me the shape of his heart” The angel whispers and then she continues crying “ And I tried, I’ve really tried to find it, his heart, I mean, she sobs. “ This place was falling apart the second time he came back. But he is never around long enough” the little angel cried.

You suddenly realise that she is alone in this great big house and ask “ Where are your parents, little angel?”

“I do not have a mother and my father is always busy, he seldom comes home” The little one says. “He mostly just think I am a strange little being” she continues sobbingly, pointing at her wings. “But don’t you worry, I have the everlasting feast of food that never run out in the kitchen, and a bed to sleep in” she points into one of the adjoining rooms.

“But why are you crying little one?”

“I am mostly sad about my big brother, he just comes and goes and never stay long enough.”

She points at a painting on the wall of a mighty Elohim standing on the moon, holding the staff of caduceus in his hand surrounded by a glowing aura of shining sunlight. Underneath the painting there is a text inscribed. The texts reads:

In silence the Heaven and the Earth Began. In wisdom Elohim Creates. Thou are the lightbringers onto thyself.


Yes, I agree with RJM, "beautiful." The kind of spiritual empowerment (Thou are the lightbringers onto thyself) that I would love to help bring to this "too busy" world of ours.
One of my best ever songs, Tend the Fire, seems to have a similar theme. In the lyrics, I say “They will show the way…”, which reminds me of your lovely angel girl.
Here’s the rest of the lyrics:

Tend the Fire

Too long is the road
to find yourself
if you lose yourself
in the frantic steps you take,
even though you ache
for something real to feel
that you would hold onto.

It may not occur to you
what’s really worth holding onto,
but there’s a path that’s hidden
deep inside.

They say a temple door is guarded
using flames. And most are thwarted,
but the hungry-hearted
sometimes feel so cold
they stumble toward its warmth.

It may not occur to you
How a thing that burns
might turn into something that’s
so wonderful to hold.

Don’t go outside to outrun your fear.
Just tend the fire of the heart hearth here.

Don’t tighten up.
Don’t push the River.
Rest on the banks
of a gracious Giver.
If you push, you’ll just head down
the stream to a murky dream
that bears no fruit you want.

Only whirlpools
that will confuse you,
will abuse you.
So just stay put,
and sink into the
soft and fertile soil.

The temple has an inner sanctum.
If you enter, thank them.
They will show the way
to the home that you’ve been missing,
merely wishing,
wishing you were there.

It may not occur to you
how love’s been waiting to embrace you
with the arms and fingers
of its fire.

Don’t go outside to outrun your fear.
Just tend the fire of the heart hearth here.

I pray that it occurs to you
how love’s been waiting to embrace you
with the arms and fingers of its fire.