Is Democracy Un-Islamic?

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Asalamu Alaikum everyone.
I was wondering if anyone else has read the following article : Zarqawi And the D-Word: Is Democracy Un-Islamic? by Prof. Fawaz Gerges. I'd be very interested in anyones input on his statements below:

"Young Muslims, in particular, long to be in charge of their lives, and they are a huge constituency. They are fed up with autocrats and false prophets alike. Young Muslims do not want their human rights violated or to live in perpetual fear because of their dissenting views. They want their dignity back and long to be proud of their countries, which are falling further behind the rest of humanity. By declaring an all-out war against the "evil principle" of democracy, Zarqawi and his followers are thus swimming against the current of Muslim public opinion and the spirit of the times. Few Muslims will buy into their nihilistic and apocalyptic nightmare."

By the way, if this should be in a current affairs or political thread, could I ask that it be moved there?

Thanks in advance
As it focusses specifically on Islam, it's certainly worth keeping it here while it keeps on that topic. :)

And certainly there is an unfortunate problem that a number of Islamic nations are effectively rising out of the shadow of being Cold War pawns - Iraq and Iran are very good examples of nations that have undergone extreme transitions, and all as a direct result of cold War politics.

The question as to whether democracy and Islam are incompatible? Well the short answer to that question is definitely yes. And no it is not such reasons as stated by Abu Musab Zarqawi (if he did make such statements), i.e.

“This wicked system, he said disapprovingly, is based on "freedom of religion and belief" and "freedom of speech",

which unfortunately is also an ignorant and often used argument made by the west which is in fact a totally incorrect statement. Ironically it would be a fair statement to assert that an Islamic state is more open to all religious beliefs and is open to criticism of its religion too.

In the past Christians and Jews and even Zoroastrians when they were under Islamic rule were allowed to practice their religion, having said that the Islamic state goes one step further then modern day systems such as democracy and that is that not only are these religions allowed the practice of their beliefs but they can also implement and enforce their own laws that go according to their religious beliefs. Does this exist in a modern day system? NO! Muslims, Jews, and Christians are not allowed to enforce their own laws in their respective communities in a democratic country; they are all forced to accept one rule. So what is wrong with this, one example and that is of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a sexual act which is considered criminal in our religious laws, therefore, there are specific rulings that Muslims, Jews and Christians must enforce and deal to not allow such behaviour to exist. However, because we are forced to accept the ruling of the majority we are unable to enforce this rule in our own communities. Therefore, democracy cannot make such claim that it allows freedom of religion. Whereas, Islam can make this claim.

Furthermore, criticism of our religion is allowed. However, what is not allowed is to insult our prophet *s* (pbuh). Objective discussion is actually encouraged, and it is one of the reasons as to why the Islamic empire during its golden age was the leading empire of the world in technological advancement because of their open mindedness and encouragement of intellectual thought. Due to this spread of intellectual thought and technological advancement Europe owes a great deal to its coming out of the darks ages to the Muslims, which is a fact that is greatly ignored by western historians. Now I can see many people jumping in and pointing out the fact that the Muslims enforced a Jiziya Tax on religious minorities. Yes that is true, however, what is also true and again also ignored by western historians is that the Islamic state would usually not enforce this rule if the people were poor or old (incapable of supporting themselves). Furthermore, the Jizyia tax was enforced because it was a way to make some form of money to pay for state services, in fact in modern terms the Jiziya tax can be compared to council tax (tax which UK residents have to pay, which would go towards state services). You have to remember that all citizens, Muslims, Christians, Jews were under the protection of the kalifah, and because money does not grow on trees, there must be some form of way to generate money and one way, which all forms of governments do, is by enforcing a Tax of some sort. Having said that, many will argue ok although it is a tax, and every form of system enforces a tax for the payment of state services, then why do Muslim get away from having to pay no tax. This is also incorrect, Muslim also have to pay a tax, which comes in the form of Zakat.

Anyway, going back to the question of, is democracy and Islam incompatible? The reason as to why is simply because Muslims believe in the existence of god therefore, believe in the laws of God. Since god has established laws for us to follow, this then means that god’s rules are constant, which are not allowed to be modified to suit the needs of man. However, democracy is a system devised by human beings and rules within a democracy are open to change. This is where they become incompatible because god becomes an insignificant entity, which Muslims cannot accept. This is why there is fierce resistance to democracy. To Muslims, democracy is seen as a way to destroy the significance of god, which is unacceptable to Muslims.

Hope that all makes sence.

Please forgive me if I have made any mistakes but this is the best to my knowledge. If any Muslim brothers or sisters have spotted any mistake please do point them out and explain as to why, and forgive me for my lack of knowledge.

wa 'alaikum salaam

SC_Override said:
As-Salaam-Alaikum, The question as to whether democracy and Islam are incompatible? Well the short answer to that question is definitely yes. And no it is not such reasons as stated by Abu Musab Zarqawi (if he did make such statements), i.e. “This wicked system, he said disapprovingly, is based on "freedom of religion and belief" and "freedom of speech", which unfortunately is also an ignorant and often used argument made by the west which is in fact a totally incorrect statement. Ironically it would be a fair statement to assert that an Islamic state is more open to all religious beliefs and is open to criticism of its religion too. In the past Christians and Jews and even Zoroastrians when they were under Islamic rule were allowed to practice their religion, having said that the Islamic state goes one step further then modern day systems such as democracy and that is that not only are these religions allowed the practice of their beliefs but they can also implement and enforce their own laws that go according to their religious beliefs. Does this exist in a modern day system? NO! Muslims, Jews, and Christians are not allowed to enforce their own laws in their respective communities in a democratic country; they are all forced to accept one rule. So what is wrong with this, one example and that is of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a sexual act which is considered criminal in our religious laws, therefore, there are specific rulings that Muslims, Jews and Christians must enforce and deal to not allow such behaviour to exist. However, because we are forced to accept the ruling of the majority we are unable to enforce this rule in our own communities. Therefore, democracy cannot make such claim that it allows freedom of religion. Whereas, Islam can make this claim. Furthermore, criticism of our religion is allowed. However, what is not allowed is to insult our prophet *s* (pbuh). Objective discussion is actually encouraged, and it is one of the reasons as to why the Islamic empire during its golden age was the leading empire of the world in technological advancement because of their open mindedness and encouragement of intellectual thought. Due to this spread of intellectual thought and technological advancement Europe owes a great deal to its coming out of the darks ages to the Muslims, which is a fact that is greatly ignored by western historians. Now I can see many people jumping in and pointing out the fact that the Muslims enforced a Jiziya Tax on religious minorities. Yes that is true, however, what is also true and again also ignored by western historians is that the Islamic state would usually not enforce this rule if the people were poor or old (incapable of supporting themselves). Furthermore, the Jizyia tax was enforced because it was a way to make some form of money to pay for state services, in fact in modern terms the Jiziya tax can be compared to council tax (tax which UK residents have to pay, which would go towards state services). You have to remember that all citizens, Muslims, Christians, Jews were under the protection of the kalifah, and because money does not grow on trees, there must be some form of way to generate money and one way, which all forms of governments do, is by enforcing a Tax of some sort. Having said that, many will argue ok although it is a tax, and every form of system enforces a tax for the payment of state services, then why do Muslim get away from having to pay no tax. This is also incorrect, Muslim also have to pay a tax, which comes in the form of Zakat. Anyway, going back to the question of, is democracy and Islam incompatible? The reason as to why is simply because Muslims believe in the existence of god therefore, believe in the laws of God. Since god has established laws for us to follow, this then means that god’s rules are constant, which are not allowed to be modified to suit the needs of man. However, democracy is a system devised by human beings and rules within a democracy are open to change. This is where they become incompatible because god becomes an insignificant entity, which Muslims cannot accept. This is why there is fierce resistance to democracy. To Muslims, democracy is seen as a way to destroy the significance of god, which is unacceptable to Muslims. Hope that all makes sence. Please forgive me if I have made any mistakes but this is the best to my knowledge. If any Muslim brothers or sisters have spotted any mistake please do point them out and explain as to why, and forgive me for my lack of knowledge. wa 'alaikum salaam
Salaamu Alyckum

Welcome to CR SC_Override ,and I'm agree with you .We have a very great Islamic system was organized by almighty Allah ,and we doesn't need the human democracy system.we should be resist any change to the failing democracy system .....I think democracy is one of the western myth actually there is no democracy they applied it when they are benefit from it ...and they didn't applied it when it is became against their benefit ....
for example ...the last War of Iraq...American go to the war without decision from UN...after that they want us to applied the UN decisions.The World decisions didn't applied on (israel) but it is sanctified when it is against Muslims or Arab countries . ( where is the Democracy ???????)