The Narrow Road


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Have you ever felt that the path that you are walking on in life gets narrower and narrower. Before we could easily choose between a lot of different choices in life that would lead to different end results. But nower days the choices in life are so heavily burdened by inflation that the end result always seems to be more or less the same.

This is when you need community, a small underground movement to come to, to kind of light up your day. Made up by people valuing the old ways of doing things, writing stories, writing letters, sharing music and videos without a third party involved, always trying to sell us opinions, interests and faiths.

The sad part is that it's actually gone so far that not even our thoughts and emotions are sacred anymore, always having searchengines and advertising affecting us. What do we feed ourself with? Not only physically, but emotionally and mentally too?

It's gone so far that I do not enjoy TV, newspapers or social media anymore. My heart is longing for something else. Intellectual and spiritual stimulation and validation maybe. Feeding me with what I used to be brought up with; social gatherings, looking people in the eyes in discussions that enhanced and not decreased our empathic ability to communicate.

I believe that reading, writing, discussing things in real life is what we humans are supposed to be doing for our brain to develop, not sitting on our different chambers, feeling lonely not engaging.

How can we change this mentally unhealthy spiral driven on by our moneymaking society and get back to where we used to be? When is sience going to come to the understanding of this obvious cause as to why mental health is declining? Why aren't we using our brains anymore in this society? Any why isn't it okay to think for ourselfs any longer? Is this how we wanted community to develop?
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I get what you are saying. I can go without food for a day, but not without checking my phone. It's a sort of addiction, definitely a material attachment that doesn't feel healthy.

Possibly a deliberate internet 'fast' is in order for me?

Good post @_Hermes_
I get what you are saying. I can go without food for a day, but not without checking my phone. It's a sort of addiction, definitely a material attachment that doesn't feel healthy.

Possibly a deliberate internet 'fast' is in order for me?

Good post @_Hermes_

I do have fb. But I only seem to use it as a way of spreading information. It only makes me unhappy.
I do have fb. But I only seem to use it as a way of spreading information. It only makes me unhappy.
Hate FB. Left years ago. They don't make it easy. There's no button on site. I had to Google it, and then when I finally found the route to close my account, I had to do a month's probation, to make sure I didn't try to sign in, before they closed my account. FB is the worst, imo