Morning rituals or customs in your....


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a figment of your imagination
I read the other title wrong...

I am all about making this existence easier.

And interested in how you accomplish it.

It seems to me a morning ritual is always better if proceeded by an evening contemplation.

Which makes me honor the Jewish time.of the next day starting when the previous day ends.(sundown)

Look your thoughts
I read the other title wrong...

I am all about making this existence easier.

And interested in how you accomplish it.

It seems to me a morning ritual is always better if proceeded by an evening contemplation.

Which makes me honor the Jewish time.of the next day starting when the previous day ends.(sundown)

Look your thoughts

The Baha'i day also starts at sundown and finishes at sunset.

I have a morning preference, prior to sunrise, to say my Obligatory Prayers.

Regards Tony
After 4 years of not knowing what today will bring... (and that hasn't changed much...spent time in a hospital in Laramie while on the road for six weeks)...

But I am just starting to plan again...make goals again ... get more than the mundane accomplished again.

So for me...the day starts (last night).reviewing what was done in yesterday's list and what will be put on today's list...and looking at it and adjusting in the morning. I am including time for meditating, writing and art. As well as various forms of exercise thruout the day (juggling, Tai chi, stretches, walking)

Record any dreams I remember. Do some stretches, shower. A few minutes of meditation, the mental equivalence of stretches and shower.


Usually I check in here at this point as well.
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