The labyrinth of life


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Okay, listen up everybody the childcare teacher Carol called out in a loud voice. We are going to go in to this labyrinth. We will walk slowly together okay?

Little John looked in towards of the beginning of the wonderous maze in fright and took a step back. Miss Carol, I don't want to step into that labyrinth Carol.. please.. We all have to John, the teacher softly spoke and pushed him lightly forward.

On the other side of Carol the little angel Hilma stood and glanced terrified into the deep black roads almost covered up in bushes on both side.

Okay everybody, on three I will start walking and you will follow along. Carol started walking.

Hilma shuddered in fear, but suddenly made up her mind fast. She put her hand over her ears and closed her eyes and then suddenly ran into the labyrinth...

"Hilma, hilma" Carol Cried out .."

But Hilma just ran with her finger over her ears with closed eyes, she could see the darkness of the labyrinth closing in on her, she was terrified, every corner she turned she knew there could be a dangerous creature trying to lure her away from the correct path..

With every corner she turned the path just seemed to get darker and darker..

She could see the light somewhere in front of her though.. was she on the right path now? did she make a wrong turn? she just continued running..

It seemed to be an endless road of turns and twists and she often had to tell herself no.. this is not the correct path

She suddenly came to the middle though.. the path opened up and there was a lantern standing in the middle of the labyrinth..

She let the air out.. she had been holding her breath too.. she bent down infront of the lantern to pray, she had made it! Never again, she promised, she would run into the layrinth of life with her eyes closed. The thrill of that astral intoxication vibrated in her whole body.. she shivered and shook her head.

Never again..

Lord Jesus Christ, son of god, have mercy on me, a sinner.
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@_Hermes_ s_

It's lovely. Where do these thoughts originate in you? Please keep them coming ...
From above or from my surroundings, past and future.. a combination.. (yes I do write future events also sometimes). I just sometimes let my subconciouss take up space when I write.

The maze is an archetypal idea, the spiritual child too, John exist in real life by another name, the heysychasm prayer is something I been meditating on for the last week or so, my path has lead me into martinism and ortodox religion.. and life lead me trough this scary astral maze maybe during the last two years or so due to spiritual development..
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This sparked my interest. Would you care to say more?

I just searched Martinism, about which I know nothing (although I've come across Papus before).

On the wiki page, it says:
"In a nutshell, the Martinism as we know it today consists of the theurgic tradition of Martinez de Pasqually (Martinezism), the Masonic Templarism of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (Willermozism) and the Christian Theosophy of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin.
This heritage was reorganized into the 'Ordre Martiniste' in 1886 by Augustin Chaboseau and Gerard Encausse (also known as Papus). The regular transmission of the Martinist heritage to Chaboseau and Papus has not been proven as of today."

I wonder if you mean one of those currents particularly, or is it something other?
I am a newbie in the field of martinism too. So I can't say I know more, I am not initiated either, yet.. Have an initiated member that guides me, have read a few rosicrusian and antroposophic books in this direction so far and started up meditating on christ. I have looked into theurgy and it isnt for me, the idea sounds better than the actual practice I think, so I decided on going the way of the heart, aka Christian Theosophy of Louise de Saint Martin
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OK. Not to muddy your waters, but you might want to take a look at
Meditations on the Tarot, a Journey into Christian Hermeticism.
Online pdf available here and another version available here.
Also useful is an index, compiled by one of the author's followers, available here

The author, initially anonymous but later identified as Valentin Tomberg.

Born 1900, initiated into Martinism (by Prof G O Mebes) in 1917. Escaped the revolution to Estonia, in 1925 joined Steiner's Anthroposophical Society, but apparently proved to be a controversial figure. In 1938 moved to Amsterdam. In 1940, asked to withdraw from the Anthroposophical Society in the Netherlands for being too controversial.

Initially drawn to the Russian Orthodox Church, but in1946 converted to Roman Catholicism.
Thank you, just read Hermetica by Brian Copenhaver and are looking trough two of Rudolf Steiners books right now, I'll put it on the "to read list".