The spinning wheel


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So she stopped at the bridge and kept on looking out into that deep blue sea, ready or not, here I come. She dipped her head into the deep blue sea, it was as if she was floating ahead in time. Bridge, sea, already swimming in the ocean. And he screamed, it was like he was under water but still screamed deeply in fear, Help, help! But out came only bubbles and silence.. Help, Help! She knew they were going to meet. She could sense it from all the past events.

It was like they were tied together with a string of invidivisble and invisible thread. A thread attaching from heart to heart, creating a webb again. All of these cobwebs, unbreakable and silently and slowly attaching hearts. Hearts that were breaking, renewing, transitioning from one experience to another. Turning over the past into the present, like it is chasing moments, like a wheel.

The wheel of dhamma, spinning faster and faster and soon we are going to become the higher that we already are, but in another way, in a higher way. Spinning so fast it sometimes made her anxious. Spinning in a way we can never foretell. The logic reasoning is only in the way. The intuition is higher, greater, deeper, like the great deep blue sea. Like an ocean of answers of questions still yet to be asked.

He stopped for awhile, his heart stopped beating, as she found him. He didn't seem to mind that she was utterly stressed,tired and exhausted from the long long journey. He didn't tell. Because she was to young, to unexperienced. He just told her about a meeting, but he didn't realise he was decieving himself. She could already read. She could already write. He didn't know she could already tell.
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The spinning wheel 2, automatic writing session 2:

Drown yourself she told them, go drown yourself in the ocean of intution, no special vibration in here are made to become anymore special. You are all the truth, you are all the truth, have patience and rest in the fact that you kill your ego to become the allself. The greater self and the self that swims in the ocean. Kill and slay the ego, just kill it, let it burn in the fires of jesus christ, let it fall from its highest postion down into the earth where it should be burried in the sands of humanity.

Have patience my dear. My beloved, you are greater than the ocean, you are greater than the sea. The sun never shines as great as you abillity to grow. You are one with the whole and the whole are one with you. Kill out ambition, slay the slayer, don't walk on you own path, though you are only in your way. See with your eyes alone and don't use them for unessecary sights, hear with your ears alone and don't use them for unessecary sounds, read and write with your senses, the one sense, the higher sense.

Tell them what you sensed and don't ever have faith in any other gods than your own higher self. The allself will guide you, the allself will help you, it can communicate with you and tell you to not stop for a moment, and tell them to never stop trying. Never stop believing, never stop wanting, yearning a higher slef and a higher form, the prana of the earth, the wonderous vibrational sounds of the cosmos, the allencompassing unifying higher truth, never stop yearning for the truth, there is only one and it is wonderful in its composition of fractals in space, we belive we are the truth but the truth is in fact us. The truth is never alone, it comes with a key. Compassion, eqanimity and samyama. Samyama is the higher slef s tool for creating the truth, compassion the writer, equanimty its director.

Don't ever look down on the key. Have faith in your beliefs, have faith in your courage to believe, have faith in all. All of humanity is waiting for faith, hope, love, ever embracing passion that comes from the higher selfs kama and soul. Kill out ambition, kill out the slayer, kill out all of the ones you though were your friends, karma will bring you to the truth about your surroundings. Karma will tell you the truth about their souls, Karma will uncover their desires, their highest dreams and create, for you a home, to be able to really take them in again and really see them for who they really are, becuase you can not live, lie and protect at the same time, you can not betray them by only knowing only their egoic form.
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