An Apology


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Texas, USA
Ok first off I would like to apologize for the mass posting I did the other night with some controversial issues. My purpose was not to offend or cause defense.. I was researching Islam and found those issues and could not find counters to them on Islamic sites. I admit to being lazy and rather than bookmarking those pages to return to later I just cut and pasted them all at one shot. I can see in hindsight how it would have come across as being a flame.. But that was not my intention.

Friend and Thipps, you have both done an admirable job in posting responses to them based on the Qu'ran and my respect for you both as grown substantially because I see your faith in your holy book much like the faith I have in mine. Thank you for taking the time to help someone like me understand your faith more.

With Respect
Faithful Servant
Faithfulservant said:
I was researching Islam and found those issues and could not find counters to them on Islamic sites. I admit to being lazy and rather than bookmarking those pages to return to later I just cut and pasted them all at one shot.
h| Faithfulservant,
If its countering sites you're looking for, you have them now. The sites 'Friend' and i have been linking you to are specifically for this purpose. Ill just repost them here for convenience.
There is another good one i know:
Inshallah [God-Willing], this will help you to search for answers faster.
Yeah I looked at the links and immediately left them because of the anti-christianity propaganda.. thanks for linking them again though. :)
Salaamu Alyckum all

Faithfulservant,thank you very much, I respected your apology.