Curiosity questions for converts


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I had a few questions I was curious to ask, especially if there are any converts to Judaism.
- For those who are converts, how did you convert to Judaism?
- Where do you go for a Jewish perspective on certain aspects of life? Are there certain books, or online teachers that you go to for information?
- What is the best/worst part about being a Jew?
- How are your weekends affected by the Sabbath? (For me as a student, I almost always have to work on Saturdays -- are there other times that you use to study outside the Sabbath?)
I’m not sure why you posted in this in the Christianity subforum, but be that as it may, your questions + your comment about being a student indicate that you are here to fulfill some type of school project. Want to talk about it?
I moved this thread to the Judaism forum.
I’m not sure why you posted in this in the Christianity subforum, but be that as it may, your questions + your comment about being a student indicate that you are here to fulfill some type of school project. Want to talk about it?
I am.guessing the fellow in the islam.section told this poster they found a source...

Let's help them out!
I’m not sure why you posted in this in the Christianity subforum, but be that as it may, your questions + your comment about being a student indicate that you are here to fulfill some type of school project. Want to talk about it?
I didn't realize I posted it in the Christianity subforum, I apologize.
Yes; I am fulfilling a school project, however I also am genuinely curious... I have grandparent who identify as Jews, and I would like to know more about it. :)
My partner, though not raised in a traditional Jewish household, is Jewish, and currently re-discovering and reconnecting, as is our (adult) child. So I can share what I know, but be aware that it's from an outsider perspective.

A book she found useful was, "The Honey and the Sting", by Rabbi Walter L. Rothschild. It is from a Reform perspective.

And here's an FAQ website, which was recommended around here: It is from an Orthodox perspective.

Apart from books and websites, and actually first and foremost: Contact a Jewish community in your area, get to know real live Jews, talk to a Rabbi.
had a few questions I was curious to ask, especially if there are any converts to Judaism.
welcome yo the forum...another "not a jew, but" tip for you. There are various denominations of Judaism and I believe your answers would be distinctly different for each of your questions from each group.

My orthodox friends observe the sabbath strictly, define "work" strictly and don't leave for a Saturday night show till after the sun goes down.

Renewal, Reconstruction, Reformed, Conservative, and Orthodox I believe are the major divisions, discovering the answers to your questions from each would be interesting.