Introduction: Restored&Adopted


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It is an honour to be a part of this community of souls searching for meaning and Truth.
I have a Christian background but now have been freed from religion and found the true meaning of Faith that still relies on One Creator/King/Master/Saviour/Deliverer as the Way to redemption but without doctrines and focusing on Truth.
Hope I can be of service to Him and to the community with the difficult times that lies ahead and that His Light can enlighten the road so we can see clearly in the coming storm.
Welcome to the interfaith dialogue forums, and good to have you!

Thanks for your introduction.

What do you mean by "freed from religion"? There's a wide range of possible interpretations.
Welcome to the interfaith dialogue forums, and good to have you!

Thanks for your introduction.

What do you mean by "freed from religion"? There's a wide range of possible interpretations.
Thank you.

I know it sounds confusing and I get that it can even sound degrading to anyone following any religion and that is not my intention.
The truth is that I can only speak from and for my experience. I used to be blind and deaf, but eversince my Creator gave me "ears" it came with a certain level of discernment. Seeing lies and traits (mostly inward) of pride and self-righteousness.
Religion is built around right and wrong where Faith is about Truth or at least seeking truth.

All religions either have roots in Babilon in some way or another or at least bits mixed in at some point.
Religion originated from man, Faith does not come from man.
Religion teaches to con-vert where Faith requires to di-vert.

So technically interfaith is not possible but Philadelphia can keep the peace until the Truth and the lies are brought into the open.
Inter-religion (sold as inter-faith) has, and will soon repeat itself, only be obtained through bloodshed.
This is the second beast that the Book of Daniel speaks about and its feet is already moving.
Thanks for clarifying!

So technically interfaith is not possible but Philadelphia can keep the peace until the Truth and the lies are brought into the open.

We try our best at the sisterly/brotherly love thing here.

One bit of clarification about our use of the word "interfaith": It is about exploring and getting to know other faiths and world views. We are not building some new unified faith here.

Have you read our Code of Conduct? It's an important part of what we do.
I have a Christian background but now have been freed from religion and found the true meaning of Faith that still relies on One
So no longer a Christian? You prollybshould tread lightly in the Christian forum then so your new understanding doesn't come into conflict with the 3000 various understandings Christians have.

But welcome to this community of souls seeking truth...

Of course you know your truth is the truth to you....and the rest of us have found or are seeking our truth which is the truth for of the thousands out there, or something in between or something different (or nothing at all)

Have fun
So no longer a Christian? You prollybshould tread lightly in the Christian forum then so your new understanding doesn't come into conflict with the 3000 various understandings Christians have.
But welcome to this community of souls seeking truth...

Of course you know your truth is the truth to you....and the rest of us have found or are seeking our truth which is the truth for of the thousands out there, or something in between or something different (or nothing at all)

Have fun
Thank you I couldn't have said it any better myself :)

Just to clarify I am not against Christianity as according to me it is built on the True Faith. I just realised the deception that are in the religion side of which is keeping a lot of souls from redemption as the Creator saves souls and not members.

(Hopefully I wont start understanding 3001 but help reduce that number)
(Hopefully I wont start understanding 3001 but help reduce that number)
Good thought -- but fresh understandings usually do become understanding 3001 ... and counting
If the understanding is compelling enough and attracts enough people, it becomes a school of thought, a frame of reference for Bible interpretation, or, a denomination.
Good thought -- but fresh understandings usually do become understanding 3001 ... and counting
If the understanding is compelling enough and attracts enough people, it becomes a school of thought, a frame of reference for Bible interpretation, or, a denomination.
Not a thought but prophecy coming to light. That is why the key of Knowledge has been restored and the 3rd Temple is being established.
What does the third Temple mean to you, personally? A physical structure on the temple mount in Jerusalem?
What does the third Temple mean to you, personally? A physical structure on the temple mount in Jerusalem?
The Creator says that He does not live in a house made of stone. And due to Faith turned into religion millions flock to buildings to find Him as that is the mine they inherited and where they are digging for the wrong treasure.

His Temple will host his Ruach (Elahh) when it becomes purified of all idolatry of the deception/misdirection/trap of religion.
This will be His children (living stones) who does not fornicate with the woman and her daughters and serve Him in Truth.

This is the purity of the love of the Joyful Message coming to light and which the world will see soon as we have entered the early light.