Ken Wilber?


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A friend has recommended the books on Integral Theory by Ken Wilber. I am not sure and already have a huge reading list. Has anbody here read his work?
I have skimmed, and many of my friends are into his work.

He likes to integrate everything into a great big overview map of everything, where all parts fit and it all makes sense.

Not my thing. I seriously doubt all claims to absolute unified truth. But YMMV. If you're into smoothly clicking spiritual "maps", then go for it!
Hi @Cino, thanks for your comments. I too have done a little skimming now and I see what you mean. While I find the idea of integration initially attractive, the scale of such a project strikes me as unrealistic, certainly for one man.

Coincidently, I am currently reading 'The Wisdom Jesus' by Cynthia Bourgeault, a writer I admire. I am only about a quarter of the way through, but she has already made references to Wilber's work. He has his fans it seems.
I have also been amongst Wilbur fans...I frankly couxld not keep up... maybe pearls before swine? I caught bits but.trying to grock it all hurt my head. I think much of the deep stuff is beyond my ken, the Peter principle Wal of sorts. I have a tendency when it gets like that to quit trying...and i sort of let Wilbur wash over in often do in those situations, I think some of it gets stuck in crevices, hiding, awaiting for its moment to pop back out.
All I know about Ken Wilbur I learned rom a TED Talk by Kermit the Frog (he was presenting a talk about creativity, which may still be up on YouTube in case y'all are interested.)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A friend has recommended the books on Integral Theory by Ken Wilber. I am not sure and already have a huge reading list. Has anbody here read his work?
I have a book of his, I read part of it, long ago. I was fascinated by the idea but it was a lot to take in at once. I think I needed context of some kind before reading him but I wasn't quite sure what it would be. It's not that the book didn't make sense, parts of it did, I just wasn't quite sure what context to fit it in. It's hard to be more specific now as it has been years since I looked at that book.
I asked ai to give me a brief synopsis of Ken Wilbur's work...

Ken Wilber is a contemporary philosopher and author who has written extensively on a wide range of topics, including psychology, spirituality, politics, and ecology.

At the heart of Wilber's work is the idea of "integral theory," which seeks to integrate diverse perspectives and fields of knowledge into a comprehensive framework for understanding the world. This framework includes four main dimensions: the individual, the collective, the interior (inner experiences and consciousness), and the exterior (outer behaviors and structures).

Wilber's books often explore the evolution of human consciousness and how individuals and societies can evolve towards higher levels of awareness and well-being. He also emphasizes the importance of spiritual practice and the cultivation of compassion and wisdom in creating a more just and sustainable world.

Some of Wilber's most well-known books include "A Brief History of Everything," "Integral Spirituality," "The Marriage of Sense and Soul," and "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality."