Rabbi Tovia Singer


God Feeds the Ravens
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I didn't know Muslims believe Abraham was going to sacrifice Ishmael and not Issac and believe the Jews corrupted the text.

I just think Muslims want to be validated and it bothers them even offends them that Muhammad isn't believed to be a prophet of God by Jews and Christians. Would I be correct?

I also agree that we all have our crazies!

I don't agree with everything this guy says but I appreciate his honesty and he does it with grace and intelligence. With this I will probably listen to more of his stuff because his perspective is something I'm interested in.
I don't agree with everything this guy says but I appreciate his honesty and he does it with grace and intelligence. With this I will probably listen to more of his stuff because his perspective is something I'm interested in.
He is very interesting. Be prepared that sometimes he is VERY stern in his skepticism around how Christian theology interprets Jewish scripture.

EDIT-- Stern may not be the word, sometimes he is, but he is very blunt. He can be humorous and cheerful, but very blunt in his disagreement with the theology of other Abrahamic faiths, whenever he sees they are in conflict with Jewish theology.
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I just think Muslims want to be validated and it bothers them even offends them that Muhammad isn't believed to be a prophet of God by Jews and Christians. Would I be correct?
IMO (most) Jews reject Jesus as meeting the requirements of the Messiah.

Muslims (most) do believe Jesus is the Messiah, but they reject the Christian Jesus, believing that he came only to the Jews, confirming circumcision and the rest of Jewish law?
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He is very interesting. Be prepared that sometimes he is VERY stern in his skepticism around how Christian theology interprets Jewish scripture.

EDIT-- Stern may not be the word, sometimes he is, but he is very blunt. He can be humorous and cheerful, but very blunt in his disagreement with the theology of other Abrahamic faiths, whenever he sees they are in conflict with Jewish theology.
I'm the same way when others say things that are in conflict with Christian theology.😂

I'm interested in what he has to say from his perspective though.
IMO (most) Jews reject Jesus as meeting the requirements of the Messiah.

Muslims (most) do believe Jesus is the Messiah, but they reject the Christian Jesus, believing that he came only to the Jews, confirming circumcision and the rest of Jewish law?
That's what he said in his video that the Christian Jesus is not the same Jesus in the Quran. It was also interesting that he blamed Paul. I'm intrigued with what else he says.
That's what he said in his video that the Christian Jesus is not the same Jesus in the Quran. It was also interesting that he blamed Paul. I'm intrigued with what else he says.
Problem is many Muslims try to make the New Testament Jesus fit the Qur'an Jesus by manipulating and cherry-picking the NT, imo

Paul was the first Christian writer, before the gospels were completed, and Peter came around to Paul's way of thinking: Peter's vision