In so many ways i don't belong here.


Veteran Member
Reaction score
a figment of your imagination
Some call it imposter syndrome...but is it?

This site has amazing intellectuals in all our forum spaces, from devout religious folk, to incredibly knowledgeable theory types...of all beliefs and nonbelievers. We have folks that understand science, ecology, physics, philosophy....and then there are folks like me who stumble thru this world.

I shoot from the hip, oft exposing my lack of knowledge on the nuance and detail.

I do what feels right in the moment albeit with my own wavering set of filters.

I say things for effect, or maybe it is affect. I don't know because I don't have a complete handle on grammar or language.

I know enough to get myself in trouble in many situations in a variety of ways and come out slightly scarred, but rarely deterred.

I am aware it is not all beneficial to me...but indon't care.

I am beginning to care more about how my wake impacts others...sometimes...i take that as growth.

Yall are heads and shoulders above me when it comes to your level of thought and ability to express it and it is beginning to rub off. I am grateful for your allowing this bull to run amok in your China shop, I have learned so much here...even if it is not always apparent.

Thank you all. For being.