Confucius and Proper Government

The Master said, He who by reanimating the Old can gain knowledge of the New is fit to be a teacher.

Confucius, Analects, 2, 11
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The Master said, He who by reanimating the Old can gain knowledge of the New is fit to be a teacher.

Confucius, Analects, 2, 11
It's like a paraphrased quote I remember from Bob Dylan: Don't try to follow and keep up with the new stuff -- follow and learn from the old stuff ...
The ideal society as seen by Confucius, and explained by Ven. Master Hsuan Hua:

"When the Great Way prevails, every person is a part of society, and society belongs to everyone. The virtuous and the able are chosen for public office. Trustworthiness and friendliness are valued by all. People not only love their own parents and children, but love the parents and children of others as well. The elderly live their last years in happiness; able-bodied adults are usefully employed; children are reared properly. Widowers, widows, orphans, the childless aged, the handicapped and the ailing are well cared for."