Doctrinal Questions from a curious non-Baha'i


...through a glass, darkly
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Hi. I was on a different thread where @Tony Bristow-Stagg was discussing theology with others.

I wanted to ask some theological and doctrinal questions specifically about Baha'i teachings.

One, what is the teaching of Baha'i on the afterlife / existence after death?

Also, how many world figures are considered to be Prophets or Messengers by Baha'i?

Do people outside the Abrahamic tradition count? Such as the Buddha, or Guru Nanak?

How about American strands of Abrahamic faiths such as Joseph Smith, William Miller, Ellen White, or Charles Taze Russel?

Or Haile Salassie/Marcus Garvey/Edward Wilmot Blyden?

If so, how do they fit into Baha'i thinking--

If not, why do they not? 🤔
One, what is the teaching of Baha'i on the afterlife / existence after death?
What I understand from the Baha'i Writings is that once we pass from this matrix, upon the death of our material body, we all enter the next world , which is part of thise world, but we never return to this world.

Heaven and hell are thus relative conditions of the progress our souls has made in this matrix. Dis we submit to God and grow our spiritual limbs, or did we remain remote from God not produce any spiritual limbs?

There is a great deal written on this topic now that can be explored.

Also, how many world figures are considered to be Prophets or Messengers by Baha'i?
The Bahai Writings mention quite a few, we also except what the Quran offers.

This Wiki link gives a list.


There are also lesser Prophets, those that are under the influence of the Messengers. We are told that future historians will look into who may have been the Messengers and minor Prophets.

Regards Tony