Buddha Biography


Bhikkhu Nanamoli has a more recent one:

In this 1992 Third Edition of the Venerable Ñanamoli’s now classic Life of the Buddha a few minor inconsistencies of rendering in the earlier editions have been corrected, and again, a very few minor awkward syntactical formations have been straightened out. In addition, several standard Pali doctrinal terms that the author had translated have been retained in the Pali, as they have already become sufficiently familiar to readers of Buddhist literature and are now integral to English-language Dhamma terminology. These terms are“Buddha” (almost always rendered by the author as “the Enlightened One,” which occasionally has been kept here for special effect);“Dhamma” (rendered by him as “Law”); “Sangha” (rendered by him as “Community”); and “Nibbana” (often rendered in the original edition as “extinction”).All notes to the text appear in the form of back-notes. Those notes followed by “Nyp” in parenthesis are by Nyanaponika Thera, those followed by “BB” are by myself. All others are the author’s. New to this edition, too, is the List of Sources, which should enable students of the Pali suttas to easily locate texts familiar to them from other readings. The original nucleus of this directory was compiled years ago by Bhikkhu Ñanajivako, but it has been expanded to make it as inclusive as possible.

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Analayo focuses on Buddha's own meditative path and provides many examples to use or think about using:



Chapter 1 Reflecting on old age, disease, and death [page] 12
Chapter 2 Recollecting one’s wholesome conduct 21
Chapter 3 Distinguishing between wholesome and unwholesome thoughts 30
Chapter 4 Noting the divine quality of a concentrated mind 40
Chapter 5 Contemplating emptiness 50
Chapter 6 Working with five methods to remove distraction 59
Chapter 7 Mindfulness of breathing in sixteen steps 67
Chapter 8 Cultivating contentment 76
Chapter 9 Rejoicing in wholesome states of mind 85
Chapter 10 Contemplating feelings 94
Chapter 11 Contemplating dharmas 104
Chapter 12 Contemplating consciousness and name-and-form 113
Chapter 13 Cultivating dispassion, cessation, and letting go 123
Chapter 14 Arousing compassion 132
Chapter 15 Balancing the awakening factors 141
Chapter 16 Applying the four truths to daily practice 151
Chapter 17 Inclining the mind towards Nirvāṇa 160
Chapter 18 Recollecting the Dharma 169
Chapter 19 Cultivating equanimity 178
Chapter 20 Non-attachment to views 187
Chapter 21 Perception of space as a mode of dwelling in emptiness 196
Chapter 22 Clear comprehension in daily activities 206
Chapter 23 Mindfulness of death 214
Chapter 24 Recollecting the community 224
Conclusion Recollecting the Buddha 231
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