If you are calling your "Higher Self/Psyche/Soul" a GodSelf, that would imply that it is, from your perspective, a deity, albeit an internal one. Auto-theism is still a form of theism. Therefore, I would consider you a theist.
Loved “although an internal one.” My default theological view is what I call “depth-dynamic.” That old “fountain flowing deep and wide” that emerged in Christian thought, but never seemed to get the traction it deserved, possibly because it required a new way of thinking (that I call “thinking like energy “).
Quantum physicists seem to accept the notion of an “ontological” (real) entangled substrate of reality. Deep inside, or at its core. In David Bohm and Basil Hiley’s book The Undivided Universe, they also surmise a sub quantum level that would explain how “active information” exchanged between tiny particles could occur—a Mind behind/within the matter (and energy-like globs or packets of stuff underneath the matter, or “classical objects”).
Thus, a three layer depth view of overall reality emerges, in line with the (Vedic?) view of Causal, Subtle, and Gross “bodies,” in which Causal is deepest, then subtle, then gross at the surface. Causal body seems to be Mind. So, Mind, Energy, and Matter depth levels of overall reality makes sense to me, “works” for me as a useful map to navigate and manage my “spirituality.”
Given the increasingly interactive and convergent nature of realty substrates, one is hard pressed to call Mind one’s own but equally hard to say it is an Other. It certainly is not not “self.”
I choose to err however (as does the creator of this thread) on the side of self/Self, True Self, Deeper Self, etc., because a disempowering authoritarianism seems to creep into the separate God view.
I trust that egoism evaporates as self approaches the core of being, so no need to separate self from an ultimate reality often called “God.” We are not merely “classical objects,” and the “sin” of separation does not define us, at least not the us/me that the author of this thread is asking questions about.
Thanks for your wonderful insert of the inner dimension. It means the world to me. Rather, the other world, divine, nature within this world!
Obviously, I prefer the supRAnatural perspective over the supernatural one.
As a Christian who grooves on the natural divinity implied by a “son of god,” I suppose I incorporate a bit of Hindu and Buddhist thought into my chosen spiritual vehicle. I have some neat upgrades on my “car!”
otherbrother (Darrell)